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Images in Product Guides

Emotional mood images, informative explanation images (i.e. images explaining features) and selection images are crucial to create a good user experience.
This documentation explains how to enhance conversion by showing the right image content depending on your goals.

Mood images


mood image

Emotional hero shots/images, not directly linked to a question or answer option.
Commonly used for background images, welcome screens or above/below the main content area of a Product Guide. They can switch with the selected answer option (e.g. female versus male mood image) but are not required to do so.

Explanation image


explanation image

Explains a feature in detail, e.g. optical lense system.
Commonly used in a separate position in the user interface that contains explanatory content in a combination of image and text. Explanation images show up once the corresponding answer option is clicked.

Selection image


facet decoration image

Interactive image used to answer a question with a clickable / touchable button.
Commonly used as e.g. carousel, image tile selector (singleselect or multiselect), list of options.

Summary: best practices, do's and don'ts


Create great User Experience with image content

  • choose images that are appropriate for their usecase:
  • use images with smooth and low-contrast background colors, especially for mood images
  • the motive - the heart of the image - should have at least 15-20% distance to the image border in order to allow cropping the image for responsive user interfaces


Avoid mistakes that can confuse and worsen the User Experience

  • too "nervous" image backgrounds with too much contrast that distract attention
  • don't use mood images where explanation images are needed to explain an answer option or a feature
  • not enough space around the image's motive - no flexibility for responsive user interfaces
  • images which included content e.g. text

Image size and resoluton

image sizes for product guides

Make sure that the key motive of the image (in this example: man and tent) are placed in the middle of the image. There should be at least 15-20% space around the key motive in order to allow flexiblity for responsive user interfaces. This allows to crop the image for smaller screens (e.g. smartphones). The excentos image server will automatically crop images for smaller devices.

Depending on the devices / screen resolutions / PPI you want to support, we need a different image quality. excentos specifies the minimum image resolution in pixel required for retina displays and also the aspect ratio required for your Product Guides. Please note that retina displays are no longer only used on smartphones / tablets and Apple-devices, but also on many other devices. Thus, the larger the image the better - but please respect the aspect ratio.