excentos Case Studies

KEBA | digital Product Guide for wallboxes
- the Wallbox Finder provides advice and guides customers through the consulting process
- recommendations that match specific use cases
- call to actions lead customers to retailers

Vaude | intelligent Product Guides for all Outdoor Fans
- smart advisor process that covers all relevant buying topics
- seamless integration into the VAUDE webseite and VAUDE corporate design
additional brand content showcase the VAUDE unique selling prepositions- direct product comparison allows great overview and educated buying decisions

Douglas | Personalized expert advice and individual Gift recommendations
- Quick response time of the Matching and Recommendation Engine despite a product range of 35,000 products. Shared computing capacity, load balancing and single page apps guarantee high performance
- Information about age, personality type and ocassion are considered. The recommendation behavior was developed in close cooperation with sales experts

Brother | excentos provides the entire Product Search and navigation for Brother
- Quickfinder a quick search - for customers that know their desired product's requirements
- Product Guides that advises customers step by step and leads them to the right product
- Both solutions are based on the same data and recommendation behavior
- A direct link to Brother's product database with automated data import

MyToys | Geschenkefinder führt durch das Sortiment und erlernt das optimale Empfehlungsverhalten
- kategorie-übergreifender myToys Geschenkefinde unterstützt jeden Käufer - mit und ohne Vorwissen
- steuerbares Empfehlungsverhalten: die Recommendation-Logik wird auf Conversion und Kundenzufriedenheit optimiert - und zwar zentral und unabhängig von konkreten Produkten

Jungheinrich | digital specialist advice for every customer request
- easy-to-use consulting process that clearly picks up many relevant requirements
- a dynamic flow of questions in order to be able to respond well to special requirements
- clear product comparison

Verivox | Personalized Advice for your ideal holidays
- is searching for the perfect location for your vacation exactly fitting your needs - no matter if family holidays, sport vacation or party weekend
- handles the complex data structure of millions of datasets
- emotional design and userfriendly interface

Pro Optik | Digital Instore Advisor
- Interactive sales pitch e.g. distance vision eyeglasses versus PC workplace glasses
- Illustrations for better feature marketing
- Quality-assured recommendation behavior tested by leading opticians