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12 August, 2022
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Digital sales assistants -
The instore tool you've been missing

12 August, 2022
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Sales strategies and processes differ for retail and B2B businesses. While B2B businesses use a one-to-one approach to convert a prospect into a lead, retailers can have several prospectors daily. They both have customers with different needs searching for the most ideal product and use sales teams as an integral touchpoint for advice or consultations. A business' sales staff is hence trained to answer various queries to help customers find what they are looking for. Digital sales assistants help make this process easier and have even more advantages to offer. So let’s take a look under the hood.

What is a digital sales assistant?

A digital sales assistant is an AI-driven solution that assists instore selling. Simply put, it provides a step-by-step guide asking relevant questions to understand customer needs and accordingly presents them with the best product recommendations. It asks simple questions to understand what the customer requires and gives a salesperson the best recommendation according to the answers. Hence, instore staff can find the ideal product faster. This approach can be used for both B2Bs and B2Cs as the process aligns with sales and marketing strategies; with a digital sales assistant, you can centralize your selling strategy with just one solution.

Instore sales training and product advice

Customers require personal advice when they want to buy something. Usually, retail sales training involves employee onboarding, gaining product knowledge, and interactions with customers. Training occurs online or under a sales mentor or trainer. With online training, an employee’s progress can be monitored along with his strengths or weaknesses, while learning from another person’s experience teaches a human-centric approach to selling. An optimal training plan would ideally contain advantages from both these perspectives.
One of the biggest advantages is that the digital sales assistant makes it easier for new employees to get familiar with a brand’s product catalog. The assistant can sort through thousands of available options in seconds and shortlists the best matching results. As the process is designed keeping in mind the needs of the customers and the sales strategy of the business, new employees can rely on the quality of the recommendations.
This allows them to become familiar with the product line and increases their confidence when talking about the finer details of a product. Thus, when it comes to product advice, a digital sales assistant ensures a high standard of quality as all employees learn from the same source. You can also add your personal product knowledge into the mix, e.g. your experiences about how certain products fit or tips to take care of special fabrics. The digital sales assistant gives you the flexibility to transform existing sales and industry expertise into digital advice.

"The assistant can sort through thousands of available options in seconds and shortlists the best matching results."

Let’s look at the many advantages of digital sales assistants:

Improved training and performance

Learning is more organic with a digital assistant as sales staff adapt to changes at their own pace and don’t miss out on product updates as the advice is always available to them. The advantages are two-fold as customers get the best product advice while sales staff get an extra helping hand.

Conflict resolution

If a salesperson doesn’t know which option or feature to recommend, digital assistants can highlight recommended options or features and help them to better advise customers. With the smart preselection feature, the digital sales assistant reduces errors and leads the user to the best product recommendations.

Analytics and consumer insights

With a digital sales assistant, you can easily track important store metrics such as achieved targets and monthly revenues. You also learn valuable insights such as product performance and customer preferences which are beneficial for future product planning.

Personal advice for each use-case

Digital assistants use a conversation-like question-and-answer dialogue that is quick and efficiently understands customer needs. With one digital solution, your sales staff are prepared to give product recommendations for a wide variety of use-cases. This support allows them to interact without any worries as they are confident that they can find the best product recommendation quickly. As recommendations are personal and precise, customers get exactly what they need resulting in reduced returns.

Use feature marketing for cross-selling and upselling

Cross-selling and upselling strategies can easily be interwoven into the advisory process. The digital assistant can prompt a salesperson to introduce particular features, bundled products, or related accessories, increasing the overall shopping cart value.

Expand to multiple stores and new markets

When launching in new markets, digital assistants can be easily translated to other languages and can also be designed to adopt local and cultural differences. Digital sales assistants help maintain the quality of recommendations and product advice across multiple stores.

"Digital assistants use a conversation-like question-and-answer dialogue that is quick and efficiently understands customer needs."
Digital sales assistants are the perfect support for your sales staff and have multiple advantages. They can target specific problems while centralizing the sales process at the same time. Digitalize your store and upgrade it to the next level with Guided Selling and our digital sales assistants.

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30 September, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Why do customers abandon shopping carts?

02 February, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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What is shopping cart abandonment?

There are times when customers add products or items to their online shopping carts but fail to complete the purchase. They bounce off the website for one reason or the other. This phenomenon is called shopping cart abandonment, as products are abandoned by the customer before purchasing them.
Shopping cart abandonment is a nightmare scenario for retailers and brands as the reasons for abandonment can be hard to understand, making it all the more essential to track and decipher. Ecommerce sites spend a lot of time and care to tackle this issue because once optimized it makes a difference not only to sales and revenues but also to site performance.

Top reasons why shopping carts are abandoned

Online browsing and search

Customers at times use online stores to browse through, get information and compare products. They might also wish to see if there are discounts or easier financing options online. This can hinder the sales process making it difficult to optimize for this type of particular user, as they have a wavering purchase intention.

Website performance issues

Lagging websites and errors like broken links can derail a user's experience and break their assurance for the intended purchase. There is nothing more annoying to a customer than a website that loads slowly or doesn’t load at all. This leads to an increase in abandonment rates and a poor performance to your search scores.

Unnecessary web page elements

It’s important to reduce unnecessary elements on essential pages. E.g. having unnecessary information, forceful signups, excessive upselling. Such elements take more time and can potentially get in the way of a quick and successful purchase. At the end of the day, excessive elements will do more harm than good.
Keep processes simple - Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Complicated selling process

If a website has too complicated a process from start to finish, the customer will lose interest and move on to another site. Many a time, customers find what they are looking for, add items to the cart, only to drop out because the latter process of purchase turns out to be more complicated. Having a smooth and functional payment process is something every customer expects. Furthermore, having multiple payment options leads to a quick resolution from the customer’s side in case they prefer one method over the others.

Lack of mobile-friendliness

Mobile is an indispensable channel and many websites tend to ignore the traffic that comes from mobile commerce. Oberlo says that mobile commerce sales are projected to reach $3.56 trillion in 2021. When it comes to younger consumers, mobiles are part of their DNA, as is shopping on social media networks.

" commerce sales are projected to reach $3.56 trillion in 2021"

Ways to reduce abandonment and recover

Optimize browsing to selling

The most important thing to remember is that online selling needs to be easy as well as functional. Your sales funnel needs to tick every point in the customer’s journey. In terms of optimizing this journey, Guided Selling software is highly beneficial for Ecommerce. Recommender systems such as Product Guides and Advisors, allow you to set up individual journeys instead of a centralized one. This ensures you don’t lose any customers in the early stages.
At the same time, you have the flexibility to set up an optimum product page, by also recommending the right cross-selling products. Product recommendations are AI-driven and based on the immediate needs of customers. As the Product Guide understands immediate customer needs, upselling naturally becomes more transparent as you provide valid reasons for it.

Payment and omnichannel options

Integrate popular options

The reliance on online shopping has now facilitated more touchpoints for the consumer. Omnichannel is now part and parcel of Ecommerce and your strategy must reflect this. Another major barrier that is ignored is a fast and efficient checkout process. Guest checkouts are an important option and while there should be various payment options available, it’s crucial to have the most frequently used ones. These preferences can also change according to region and market.

Retargeting ads

What is retargeting, really? - Unbounce

A popular method to recapture a lost customer is to use retargeting ads showcasing the products that were abandoned, ones that are similar, or recommended products based on purchase history. Ads can be personalized for lost customers with various retargeting softwares. These ads can also be configured to run on social media platforms. The probability that consumers will click on a product ad they’ve viewed before is much higer than that of introducing them to one from the start. This is becuase they are already a couple of steps down in the sales funnel, and retargeting is an efficient reminder. It's a solution that loops back to the attention and interest stages.

Email marketing

Use an efficient email marketing strategy

The good old-fashioned way to recover a lost lead or customer is still email marketing. Email marketing is a solid recall device to remind lost customers about carted products as well as provide them with offers and discounts. Guided Selling also gives you PDF and lead generation capabilities, giving the customer the option to revisit their recommendations. These mechanisms can also collect essential customer information without the need for complex forms or lengthy registration processes. This in turn is extremely beneficial for your sales teams.
Detail your strategy based on the specific problems encountered when customers are led through your sales funnel. Different strategies work well for different kinds of websites and brands. It might take some time to understand which one works best and why, but regular tracking of such campaigns is quintessential. There are so many tools that can help, but understanding the why and what remain the most crucial first steps.

"The reliance on online shopping has now facilitated more touchpoints for the consumer."

Sales funnel optimization

Find out how your company can implement Guided Selling and Product Guides

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