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An Interview with our Head of Product and Research: Christian Lemke [Builder]

30 April, 2020
Christian Lemke and
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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An Interview with our Head of Product and Research: Christian Lemke

30 April, 2020
Christian Lemke and Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Christian is a computational linguist and philosopher by training and has been working at excentos for the past twelve years. His focus is to develop techniques around natural languages with special emphasis on methods that enable computer systems to unlock the knowledge contained in large amounts of textual data. He is an active contributor to the research field and utilizes his findings to further develop the Machine Learning technology used in excentos’ Guided Selling solutions.

How does Artificial Intelligence Help Businesses?

Artificial Intelligence is a topic that is surrounded by a lot of misinformation, a lot of hype, and more than often we come across questions such as: 'Is AI truly beneficial for my business?' 'What does it really do for Ecommerce sites?' So we thought to ourselves, ‘Who better to shed light on the matter than our resident AI expert — Christian.'

What is Artificial Intelligence and What are its Origins?

Christian: Artificial Intelligence (AI) research aims to create systems that are able to solve non-trivial tasks in an intelligent way. In the context of cognitive science, it tries to mimic functions of the human mind such as problem-solving.

The field of AI emerged early on with the development of modern electronic computers in the 1950s. Almost from the beginning, there have been two competing paradigms that approached the recreation of intelligence from different principles. The first is the so-called 'Symbolic AI' which is based on large handcrafted systems of deductive rules and the descriptive power of formal logic. The second approach, originating from 'Computational Cognitive Science', is inspired on how a human brain works on a neural level. These were competing paradigms in extreme places on the map of AI, and they work in different ways.

Blurring its original meaning and usage, the term 'AI' is now used almost synonymously for Machine Learning (ML), albeit being associated, is actually much more restricted than the general concept of AI. That being said, ML currently is without a doubt the most important concept in regard to the practical relevance of AI-related techniques. ML enables computers to learn from experience and in that sense perform human-like tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing data patterns.

"Machine Learning currently is without a doubt the most important concept in regard to the practical relevance of AI-related techniques."

How does AI help Ecommerce Sites?

Christian: Perhaps the most prominent applications of AI-related technologies in Ecommerce are search and recommender systems which are almost omnipresent in online shops and websites in general. From a broader perspective the uses of AI in Ecommerce can be considered regarding to two major aspects:

User-Centric Functionalities: In the context of online shops or web presentations for brands, AI enables consumers to explore and navigate voluminous product assortments by search and recommender functionalities as well as by applying techniques for data clustering, which means to come up with automatically created groups of product items based on their underlying data representation. In this way it is possible for a fashion website e.g., to present a range of thousands of different dresses and in terms of a manageable number, let’s say ten automatically and smartly determined product clusters based on available image and text data.

With knowledge-based recommender systems AI also enables the possibility to provide highly personalized recommendation services by combining insights from data-driven consumer behavior analysis with specified user requirements acquired by web questionnaires or conversational interfaces. By these means AI enables consumers to access complex product domains geared to their actual needs and guided by expert knowledge.

Schematic representation of excentos analytics tool

Business-Centric Functionalities: Complementing user-centric applications, like the ones mentioned so far, AI is also used to contribute business-centric functionalities such as optimizing warehouse logistics in terms of demand forecasting or providing valuable consumer insights from collected usage data. Thereby, the latter is a typical use case in which user and business-centric functionalities go hand-in-hand, as customer intents gathered by user-interactions via conversational interfaces can provide a reliable data basis for AI-based consumer insight analytics, as well as product requirements research.

"AI enables consumers to access complex product domains geared to their actual needs and guided by expert knowledge."

Which AI Techniques can SMB’s Adopt?

Christian: Today, small teams or even single developers can use various resources to solve specific problems. While this may have been difficult in the past, there is a lot that has changed during the last decade. Despite the tremendous increase of computation and storage capacities, one of the main influences that drove this development was a cultural change that took place in the AI research community, which was essentially taking the contributional work to the open source community mainstream. Therefore, there is a huge amount of high-quality open source software, data collections and research papers freely available to everyone.

The Deep Learning approach to Machine Learning recently led to impressive performance leaps for several tasks like voice recognition, computer vision or natural language processing. Although in principle available to everyone in terms of open source software, applying Deep Learning methods successfully from scratch requires massive amounts of data and computation which heavily limits its accessibility in practice. Even if the costs involved are affordable for a company there simply won’t be sufficient amount of data for many business relevant use cases.

To tackle these limiting aspects of Deep Learning a particularly useful technique called Transfer Learning is in place. Transfer Learning benefits from the fact that the research community and especially the big players in field like Google or Facebook use their vast computational resources along with their huge reserves of data to train state-of-the-art models and make them freely available. Transfer Learning exploits the implicit domain-independent knowledge represented in pre-trained models and transfers it to target domains with limited amount of available data. Smaller businesses that possess the technical knowledge can use these kind of pre-trained models for their domain-specific problems and operate successfully with limited data and resources. But at the same time, for businesses that don’t have any expertise or have even fewer resources, there are several service providers that supply the required expertise for AI-based solutions.

Transfer Learning benefits from the fact that the research community and especially the big players in field like Google or Facebook, use their vast computational resources along with their huge reserves of data to train state-of-the-art models and make them freely available.

How is AI Utilized in the excentos' Guided Selling Solutions?

Christian: AI technology has always been at the core of our Guided Selling solutions as we utilize knowledge representation, recommender engines and nautral language processing. We’ve been working on Guided Selling software since 2007, and over the years we have developed and heightened our personal expertise in this field. In the early days, we realised that there was a greater demand for technical expertise to just create a concept for a Product Guide. Hence, self-sufficiency has always been one of our goals and a major change has been to our project delivery process.

With the launch of the excentos Workbench platform, we were able to provide our customers with an easy-to-use tool, while abstracting away from the technically demanding details. Now they can create a Product Guide on their own in 5 simple steps. To get there and to keep going in this direction we are constantly pushing and adopting state-of-the-art results from relevant areas of the field.

...we were able to provide our customers with an easy-to-use tool, while abstracting away from the technically demanding details.

What are the Challenges that lie ahead for AI?

Christian: What is surprising at the moment is that a system can go quite far by using language as a stream of patterns. It was thought that it would require a deeper level of understanding to be able to distinguish between a positive statement from a negative one, but this was not necessarily true and it was surprising to see that a system could do this by just using language as a stream of patterns.

Hence, there is a lot of potential to get smarter with recommendations when it comes to creating a system that can extract meaning from what it processes. One example would be a book recommender that goes through the text of a book and states the kind of prose or writing style, the quality of the writing itself, etc.

Extending the scope of knowledge extraction could be very powerful and helpful to us. Imagine that we have some kind of semantic representation that can go through thousands of medical research papers pertaining to cancer and detects a valuable pattern, insight or a finding. This is the kind of AI-powered assistance we need because the key insight is that it complements human endeavor and doesn’t hinder it.

Imagine that we have some kind of semantic representation that can go through thousands of medical research papers pertaining to cancer and detects a valuable pattern, insight or a finding.

AI-Powered Selling.

This is what we do and what we care about.
Let us help you build a great customer experience and sell more.

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Chatbots: behind-the-scenes business solutions [Builder]

19 June, 2020
Viktória Nery
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Chatbots: behind-the-scenes business solutions

19 June, 2020
Viktória Nery
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What’s their impact on industries and why they need them

Talk chatbot to me

If you’re not in the techie group, you’re most likely not going to be aware that when people talk about chatbots, they are, in most cases, actually talking about what the AI experts call conversational agents or dialog systems.

To get this straight, let’s take a quick side trip down to the history of 'talking' AI systems. The term chatbot, which is quite popular these days, was originally coined in the 1950s, in the context of AI research endeavor that aimed to simulate a human communicator by a computer program. By doing so, the resulting level of communication would be ultimately so authentic that it couldn’t be identified as an artificial system by humans anymore. In accordance with that original meaning of the term, the main purpose of chatbot systems was the computational modeling of human dialog itself. The famous ELIZA chatbot from the 1960s is still one of the most popular references in that regard.

Conversational agents, meanwhile, are a different story. Their aim is to serve as language-based user interfaces for a wide range of specific applications and, therefore, highly relevant for real-world industry applications. For example, virtual assistant systems like Alexa, Google Assistant, or Siri are designed to fulfill a wide variety of tasks by processing voice or text-based user requests such as providing weather forecasts, playing music, or booking flight tickets online. These systems, in general, proceed by collecting the relevant information needed from the user to fulfill the task at hand with a dialog-based user interaction. This pattern of providing automated digital services proved itself to be a powerful tool for a vastly growing number of industry applications.

However, the term “chatbot” became, for some reason, more popular and what the audience chose to adapt to when referring to conversational agents. So, for the sake of it, we’ll also call them chatbots.

Main differences of the terms ‘chatbot’ and ‘conversational agent’ in the Artificial Intelligence field.

"[...] the term 'chatbot' became, for some reason, more popular and what the audience chose to adapt to when referring to conversational agents."

Delivering expert knowledge

Conversational AI is maybe not going to play the main role in your website, but it is, however, certainly going to make a huge difference. Why? Because it’s a great way to interact with your customers and automatically fulfill their requests and demands even with that additional old human touch that you thought only brick-and-mortar shops could have. Businesses — especially those that focus on Guided Selling Solutions — already use conversational AI to offer professional services such as real-time user support, shopping assistance, and expert knowledge-driven solution advice.

When developing AI frameworks for creating conversational agents that show impressive performances — in terms of language sophistication —, as well as the complexity of the topics to deal with, software providers have to overcome hard problems. Controversially, when considering operating a chatbot solution, customers mostly focus on the first part and tend to underestimate the second one. It’s not a good idea to conflate the conceptual representation of the topic with the language processing part.

You should make sure to keep both of them apart. Why? Because it takes a lot of effort to represent topic knowledge on its own. Only in this way will you be able to reuse the topic knowledge independently from the chatbot. This is because chatbots are only one way to fulfill a general pattern that is behind almost every service that is covered by a particular chatbot.

The user specifies their requests and the system comes up with a solution. This applies to a lot of cases, like asking for the weather or describing the demand for a particular product in terms of user requirements and getting a proper recommendation from the service.

There are a lot of possibilities that exist out there to realize this user interaction pattern. Questionnaires done as ordinary forms in websites, illustrated/animated content, or more recent approaches making use of natural language interfaces via text or even voice-based interaction are some of them.

AI-powered conversational agents and virtual assistants dwindle bad customer experience (CX) and prove their users their market worth. Credit: iStockphoto.

To decide which one to use, there a few things to consider. As to briefly mention some of them here, depending on the environment of your shop and on your target group, one can be more suitable than the other. Besides, considering what you want to achieve, as well as how complex your domain is, is paramount when developing such a solution.

In this matter, there is a notable advantage of a chatbot tool driven by a technology that allows you to keep apart the topic representation from the communication interface, like the excentos Workbench does for Guided Selling Solutions by enabling you to use exactly the same concept knowledge and recommendation behavior with different interaction approaches.

The programmed structure of a dialog flow allows the system to assemble all necessary input from the user and deliver smart recommendations. Source: AI-powered chatbot developed by excentos for VAUDE Sport GmbH & Co. KG.

"[...] it’s a great way to interact with your customers and automatically fulfill their requests and demands even with that additional old human touch [...]"

Customers have the urge to feel their value

Not only do customers want to see efficient solutions to overcome the problems they encountered and their inquiries being quickly and effectively resolved, but they also crave human-like interaction. In this sense, customer experience is a key factor and also expected to have as much a great value as the final product itself. Fail to do so and you’ll pay a high price for making a bad impression (and delivering a poor service) on your customers. They will remember for a long time what you didn’t do, and the inconvenience is going to endure for even longer as, thanks to the unlimited number of choices the market offers, your competitors will promptly swoop in and take care of things (that you didn’t manage to).

An average shopping experience was never enough and the great business goals of today are to increase customer satisfaction levels. So why are AI-powered chatbots a remarkably good way to enhance omnichannel experiences? They are there 24/7, therefore available to assist customers during out of hours; they can speak multiple languages; and, as importantly: they provide the opportunity to learn more about your customers, their product preferences and needs. You can additionally use these learnings together with Guided Selling Solutions to improve your domain knowledge and develop your service even further.

Are chatbots to replace human agents?

AI is changing customer experience — for the better — and there’s no arguing that. One consequence is, in the long run, inevitable: the reduction of staff.

Customers need that personal, human touch and the best experience possible when shopping, returning a product or reporting a problem. Now, is it right to assume that the goal is to replace human agents for chatbots? Not necessarily. As the LogMeln 2018 AI Customer Experience Report pointed out, “65% of organizations say that if chatbots could reduce the number of inquiries to their call center, agents would then be trained to handle different or additional tasks”, i.e. not giving the space for chatbots to replace them. This likely means, according to the report, it would provide agents with the opportunity to deal with more complex and strategic tasks and even develop new skill sets.

Chatbots now more than ever

Frankly speaking, there might have never been a more appropriate time to engage in discourse than nowadays. It would come as no surprise if chatbots were to be ranked as one of the best Ecommerce tools to strengthen customer experience during COVID-19.

Apart from medical essentials, the industries of toys, wellness and work from home were some of the ones which reported a sales increase of up to almost 90%. Credit: royalty-free stock.

With the ongoing global pandemic that 2020 brought all of us, together with the social distancing restrictions and most in-stores being closed, customers might feel more than ever the need to engage with you and have human-like representatives to help them in their quests.

"[...] your competitors will promptly swoop in and take care of things (that you didn’t manage to)."

According to the data presented by the Common Thread Collective, only in April, Ecommerce consumer sales increased their revenue by more than 50%, especially in the entertainment and wellness industries. In this sense, regardless of what may come next, we can all agree that AI-powered chatbot solutions for your customers couldn’t ask for a better time to come in.

Check our chatbot solution

Let them come to you.

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Digital sales assistants - The instore tool you've been missing [Builder]

12 August, 2022
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Digital sales assistants -
The instore tool you've been missing

12 August, 2022
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Sales strategies and processes differ for retail and B2B businesses. While B2B businesses use a one-to-one approach to convert a prospect into a lead, retailers can have several prospectors daily. They both have customers with different needs searching for the most ideal product and use sales teams as an integral touchpoint for advice or consultations. A business' sales staff is hence trained to answer various queries to help customers find what they are looking for. Digital sales assistants help make this process easier and have even more advantages to offer. So let’s take a look under the hood.

What is a digital sales assistant?

A digital sales assistant is an AI-driven solution that assists instore selling. Simply put, it provides a step-by-step guide asking relevant questions to understand customer needs and accordingly presents them with the best product recommendations. It asks simple questions to understand what the customer requires and gives a salesperson the best recommendation according to the answers. Hence, instore staff can find the ideal product faster. This approach can be used for both B2Bs and B2Cs as the process aligns with sales and marketing strategies; with a digital sales assistant, you can centralize your selling strategy with just one solution.

Instore sales training and product advice

Customers require personal advice when they want to buy something. Usually, retail sales training involves employee onboarding, gaining product knowledge, and interactions with customers. Training occurs online or under a sales mentor or trainer. With online training, an employee’s progress can be monitored along with his strengths or weaknesses, while learning from another person’s experience teaches a human-centric approach to selling. An optimal training plan would ideally contain advantages from both these perspectives.
One of the biggest advantages is that the digital sales assistant makes it easier for new employees to get familiar with a brand’s product catalog. The assistant can sort through thousands of available options in seconds and shortlists the best matching results. As the process is designed keeping in mind the needs of the customers and the sales strategy of the business, new employees can rely on the quality of the recommendations.
This allows them to become familiar with the product line and increases their confidence when talking about the finer details of a product. Thus, when it comes to product advice, a digital sales assistant ensures a high standard of quality as all employees learn from the same source. You can also add your personal product knowledge into the mix, e.g. your experiences about how certain products fit or tips to take care of special fabrics. The digital sales assistant gives you the flexibility to transform existing sales and industry expertise into digital advice.

"The assistant can sort through thousands of available options in seconds and shortlists the best matching results."

Let’s look at the many advantages of digital sales assistants:

Improved training and performance

Learning is more organic with a digital assistant as sales staff adapt to changes at their own pace and don’t miss out on product updates as the advice is always available to them. The advantages are two-fold as customers get the best product advice while sales staff get an extra helping hand.

Conflict resolution

If a salesperson doesn’t know which option or feature to recommend, digital assistants can highlight recommended options or features and help them to better advise customers. With the smart preselection feature, the digital sales assistant reduces errors and leads the user to the best product recommendations.

Analytics and consumer insights

With a digital sales assistant, you can easily track important store metrics such as achieved targets and monthly revenues. You also learn valuable insights such as product performance and customer preferences which are beneficial for future product planning.

Personal advice for each use-case

Digital assistants use a conversation-like question-and-answer dialogue that is quick and efficiently understands customer needs. With one digital solution, your sales staff are prepared to give product recommendations for a wide variety of use-cases. This support allows them to interact without any worries as they are confident that they can find the best product recommendation quickly. As recommendations are personal and precise, customers get exactly what they need resulting in reduced returns.

Use feature marketing for cross-selling and upselling

Cross-selling and upselling strategies can easily be interwoven into the advisory process. The digital assistant can prompt a salesperson to introduce particular features, bundled products, or related accessories, increasing the overall shopping cart value.

Expand to multiple stores and new markets

When launching in new markets, digital assistants can be easily translated to other languages and can also be designed to adopt local and cultural differences. Digital sales assistants help maintain the quality of recommendations and product advice across multiple stores.

"Digital assistants use a conversation-like question-and-answer dialogue that is quick and efficiently understands customer needs."
Digital sales assistants are the perfect support for your sales staff and have multiple advantages. They can target specific problems while centralizing the sales process at the same time. Digitalize your store and upgrade it to the next level with Guided Selling and our digital sales assistants.

Start giving personalized advice

Find out how your company can implement personalized advice.

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some of the extensions may require individual setup costs and monthly fees







Guided Selling Landing Page - conversational search

What is conversational search?

Conversational search is a broad topic but in essence talks about utilizing Artificial Intelligence technologies for the purposes of search query assistance. Conversational search is therefore a core aspect when we talk about searching for a product online. Natural language is utilized by interfaces to assist users to find the products they are searching for, hence the term — conversational.

Conversational search interfaces use AI capabilities to engage with customers in order to understand what they truly require. User interactions take place through dialogue and this mechanism is used to make product search easier. AI recommender systems understand customer needs by asking relevant questions and match products accordingly.

How does a conversational agent work?

chatbot asking questions

Conversational agents first ask relevant questions to the user

They can ask questions based on personal style, personality, age, traits, habits, etc. to find out the user's profile.
chatbot asking questions

They analyze all preference inputs by the user

Conversational agents & search assistants analyze every parameter from every stage of the questioning process.
chatbot recommendations

Conversational agents & search assistants then match and recommend products

After their analysis, they display the best products or services.

Test one of our conversational agents

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Conversational agents can solve the following problems

"I have a large assortment of products"

If a website has a large assortment of products, e.g. an electronics retail site that has 5000+ products, visitors will find it difficult to search for the product they need. A chatobot can help them to quickly find a perfect product, thus saving browsing time on search.
"I get a large number of queries from customers"

Chatbots are a perfect match to solve customer queries as they are dialogue-based and work as per the customer's preference. They are hence a valuable resource for B2B as well as B2C businesses.
"Visitors frequently bounce off my website"

Chatbots are by nature user-friendly and doesn't use traditional filters. They are highly interactive and successfully retain visitors on your website.
"I want to know more about my customers' purchase behavior"

When using our Guided Selling solutions, excentos analytics will give a detailed picture on how your products are faring with different customer segments. They provide a lot of insightful data such as market information, improvement suggestions, seasonal buying trends, etc.

Our conversational agents and Product Guides
come with even more advantages

Personalized recommendations

AI-driven technology uses recommender logic and a matching engine to give personalized recommendations based on user needs and preferences. Our Guided Selling technology provides advanced personalization for online shopping experiences.
This also ensures that customers are only shown relevant products which in turn increases their willingness to buy, resulting in an increased conversion rate.

Intelligent reasoning

Product Guides use intelligent reasoning to provide evidence and rationale for the products chosen to be displayed as a recommendation. E.g. Our bike advisor displays all the bike specifications which match the answers to questions such as height, gender, usage of bike, type of biker, etc. This not only builds a customer's trust but also drastically reduces the chances of them returning a product.

Enhanced machine learning

Machine learning unlocks the full potential of usage and purchase data, creates new sales knowledge and reacts to buying trends in real time. Due to this, it constantly enhances the recommendations provided to customers.

Improve your
marketing & sales

To improve Ecommerce strategies, it is crucial to regularly identify action points and better them. Consumer data allows you to define your ideal buyers, establish a fluid sales funnel, react timely to trends and insights, etc.

Multi-channel integration
for wide reach

The excentos Product Guide can be integrated across devices and touchpoints, notably desktop, mobile and in-store. It can be rolled out and introduced to new markets where it automatically adapts to local data feeds and can be customized to fit the target market better.

What our customers can tell you...

  • We saw significantly higher growth rates for all products integrated in the advisor compared to the overall product range. The excentos staff were always there to support us for any questions and helped us to get the most out of the platform.

    - Ortlieb

  • Customers who use the excentos Gift Finder are 3 times more likely to make a buying decision than those who do not.

    - myToys

  • Digital consulting with excentos is now an essential part of our marketing, and we are very satisfied with the results.

    - Vaude

How can I create a Product Guide?

With the excentos Workbench, build your very own Product Guide in a matter of minutes.

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Mit Guided Selling Umsätze steigern

Führen Sie Ihre Kunden mit digitalen Produktberatern schnell und einfach zum besten Produkt

KI-getriebene Guided Selling Lösungen
zur Verkaufssteigerung im E-Commerce

Bis zu 208% Umsatzsteigerung mit online Produktberatern

  • Bieten Sie Ihren Kunden personalisierte Produktempfehlungen, perfekt abgestimmt auf ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse.
  • Sprechen Sie die Sprache Ihrer Kunden und bieten Sie eine Gesprächsführung wie mit echten Fachverkäufern.
  • Seien Sie rund um die Uhr mit KI-getriebener Produktberatung für Ihre Kunden erreichbar.

80% der Kunden finden das richtige Produkt

  • Machen Sie es Ihren Kunden leicht, komplexe Produkte und technische Details zu verstehen
  • Schaffen Sie Vertrauen, indem Sie auf die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Kunden eingehen
  • Stärken Sie Ihre Kundenbindung mit jeder Kaufentscheidung


  • Seit dem Live-Gang der excentos Produktberater sind unsere Retouren um über 8% zurückgegangen und wir haben mit nur einem Berater weit mehr als 200.000 € Kosten jedes Jahr eingespart."

    - SportScheck

  • Kunden, die den Geschenkefinder nutzen, schließen etwa dreimal so oft einen Kauf ab wie jene, die ihn nicht verwenden."

    - myToys

  • Die excentos-Technologien führen zu einer 5-fach höheren Conversion, als alle anderen Suchmöglichkeiten auf der Website. In Summe hat excentos zu sehr viel verbesserter Conversion, Findbarkeit, Produktpräsentation und Kundenbindung geführt."

    - Toshiba

Reduzieren Sie Retouren und Warenrücksendungen um 10%

  • Produktberater analysieren die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Kunden sorgfältig, sodass Käufe exakt den Kundenwünschen entsprechen
  • Gehen Sie auf die Wünsche unterschiedlichster Zielgruppen ein und das mit nur einem einzigen digitalen Tool
  • Integrieren Sie einen unkomplizierten und schnellen Einkaufsprozess

Gewinnen Sie wertvolle Erkenntnisse und messen Sie den Erfolg

  • Erfahren Sie mehr über die Präferenzen und Wünsche Ihrer Kunden
  • Bleiben Sie auf dem neusten Stand und sehen jeden Trend bereits in seinen Anfängen
  • Identifizieren Sie Ihre Zielgruppen mit mehr Details als jemals zuvor

Guided Selling für B2B und B2C E-Commerce

  • product guide images



    Produktberater helfen Ihren Kunden dabei, das passende Produkt für ihre Bedürfnisse zu finden. Ganz ohne endlose Listen von Produktdetails oder komplizierte Fragen.

    Sie sprechen die Sprache Ihres Kunden, führen sie aktiv zum passenden Produkt und schließlich zum Warenkorb. Nebenbei erfahren Sie alles über die Bedürfnisse und Kaufwünsche Ihrer Kunden und machen die Kaufentscheidung spielend einfach.

    Bieten Sie Ihren Kunden personalisierte Produktempfehlungen und ein unvergleichliches Einkaufserlebnis, damit sie auch sicher wiederkommen.

  • Instore Integration

    Instore digitale Beratung

    Nutzen Sie unsere Produktberater auf Geräten mit touch-optimierten Benutzeroberflächen, um Selbstbedienungsbereiche zu schaffen. So bieten Sie Ihren Kunden digitale Beratung im Geschäft und ermöglichen auch zu Stoßzeiten ein erfüllendes Einkaufserlebnis.

    Unsere Produktberater können in so viele digitale Kontaktpunkte integriert werden, wie Sie möchten. Seien Sie am Point of Sale präsent und unterstützen Sie Ihre Verkaufsteams vor Ort mit Produktberatern die als digitale Verkaufsassistenten genutzt werden.

  • Conversational Chatbots

    Kundenservice - Rund um die Uhr

    Bieten Sie Ihren Kunden personalisierte Beratung und die Freiheit, in ihrem eigenen Tempo die richtigen Produkte zu finden. Erstellen Sie Kundendialoge, die auf die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Kunden eingehen und optimieren Sie den Chatbot durch das trainieren von Freitexteingaben und das Hinzufügen von Sprachsteuerungen.

    Unsere Chatbot-Technologie kann direkt in Ihren Online-Shop oder Ihre Marken-Website integriert werden. Wir unterstützen auch die Integration mit allen wichtigen Plattformen und Assistenten, wie Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Facebook Messenger und mehr.

  • AI & Machine Learning


    Unsere KI-gesteuerten Produktberater lernen durch jede Interaktion und verbessern daher ständig ihre Produktempfehlungen. Das maschinelle Lernen nutzt die Kauf- und Nutzungsdaten eines Kunden. Dies wird in Kombination mit Ihrem Verkaufswissen und Ihrer Erfahrung in den Produktberater eingebracht, um das optimale Ergebnis zu erhalten. So stellen die Produktberater sicher, dass jeder einzelne Ihrer Kunden die beste Beratung und das perfekte Produkt erhält.

Testen Sie unseren Demo-Produktberater

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Sell smarter with Guided Selling

Lead customers to the right products and watch revenues grow.


Product Guides
AI-driven Guided Selling solutions
to grow your e-commerce sales

Get upto 208% revenue growth with
Product Guides

  • Give personalized recommendations to online customers
  • Be available 24x7 with AI-driven digital advice
  • Converse easily using the customer's language

Ensure that 80% of your customers find the right product

  • Make complexities and product technicalities easy to understand
  • Use the customer's language to establish engagement and trust
  • Generate leads and get loyal customers with every transaction

What our customers say...

  • We saw significantly higher growth rates for all products integrated in the advisor compared to the overall product range. The excentos staff were always there to support us for any questions and helped us to get the most out of the platform.

    - Ortlieb

  • Customers who use the excentos Gift Finder are 3 times more likely to make a buying decision than those who do not.

    - myToys

  • Digital consulting with excentos is now an essential part of our marketing, and we are very satisfied with the results.

    - Vaude


Reduce shopping cart abandonment and returns by 10%

  • Our Product Guides analyze what customers truly need
  • Use a single digital tool to address diverse customer requirements
  • Integrate an uncomplicated online selling process

Measure the most important metrics for your business

  • Get data about customer preferences and product performance
  • Keep up-to-date with trends and seasonal changes
  • Organize your inventory and be prepared for every market

Guided Selling for both B2B and B2C businesses

  • product guide images

    Product Guides

    Product Guides

    A Product Guide leads a website's potential customers using a simple question and answer process to find the best-suited product or solution for their needs. Product Guides function in a different manner from traditional product filters, as they use Guided Selling to focus directly on needs and give relevant product information to make the buying decision easy for customers. It is an efficient sales tool that guides customers through the purchase journey and leads them towards a buying decision.

  • instore shoe selector

    Instore integration

    Instore digital advice

    Use our Product Guides on devices with touch-optimized user interfaces to create self-service spaces. These provide your customers with digital advice instore and facilitate a faster shopping experience for customers. Our Product Guides can be integrated into as many digital contact points as you want. Be present at points of sale and provide digital assistants to aid your on-ground sales teams.

  • tent advisor chatbot

    Conversational Chatbots

    24x7 Customer Support

    Give customers personalized advice and the freedom to find the right products at their own pace. Optimize your dialogue flow to suit the needs of your users and train the chatbot to understand free-text input and voice control. Our chatbot technology can be directly integrated into your online shop or brand website. We also support integration with all major platforms and assistants, like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Facebook Messenger and more.



    Our AI-driven Product Guides constantly enhance product recommendations as they learn more and more through interactions. Machine Learning utilizes a customer's purchase and usage data, but the Product Guide also uses your sales knowledge and experience. This ensures that every individual gets the best advice along with perfect products.

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Try a demo Product Guides and start building your own

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What is a product quiz?

While a regular quiz implies competition, product quizzes are a subset of Guided Selling solutions such as Product Advisors or Finders. There are two types of quizzes that can be observed, one that is hard-coded and the other that uses AI to generate smart recommendations. The latter version is naturally more flexible and keeps improving as it uses machine learning.

These quizzes are fit well for brands that needs to consider parameteres such as looks, styles, tastes, etc. In other words, personalization and customized features. The other aspect to remember is that product recommendation quizzes are based on the assumption that the customer has very little or even no prior knowledge about the product, and questions are hence formulated based on preferences rather than direct needs.

Consider the kind of questions a personality questionnaire would pose. It wouldn't directly ask you whether you're a shy person, but instead ask you if you like crowds or parties. There are a set of insights that it considers before labeling you with a certain kind of personality. A product quiz similarly recommends products that can match your potential needs, and are most-suitable for you. Product quizzes also utilize product knowledge and consumer insights within them.

How does a product quiz work?

Product quizzes first ask relevant questions

They can ask questions based on personal style, personality, age, traits, habits, etc.

They analyze all preference inputs by the user

Product quizzes analyze every parameter from every stage of the questionnaire.

Product quizzes then match and recommend products

After their analysis, they display the best products or services along with alternatives.

Take a look at our demo Product Advisor

Click the screen and get a coat recommendation

See case studies

Product quizzes can solve the following problems

"I have a large assortment of products"

If a website has a large assortment of products, e.g. an electronics retail site that has 5000+ products, visitors will find it difficult to search for the product they need. A product quiz helps them to quickly find a perfect product, thus saving browsing time on search.
"I sell luxury and novelty products"

Product quizzes are a perfect match for luxury retail and novelty products, as they are often purchased for the purpose of gifting. These are useful tools particularly for luxury brands, but also retailers looking to add an useful experience to their Ecommerce.
"Visitors frequently bounce off my website"

A product quiz is by nature user-friendly and doesn't use traditional filters. It is highly interactive and retains visitors on your website.
"I want to know more about my customers' purchase behavior"

When using our product quiz, excentos analytics will give a detailed picture on how your products are faring with different customer segments. They provide a lot of insightful data such as market information, improvement suggestions, seasonal buying trends, etc.

Our product quizzes come
with even more advantages

Personalized recommendations

AI-driven technology uses recommender logic and a matching engine to give personalized recommendations based on user needs and preferences. Our Guided Selling technology provides advanced personalization for online shopping experiences.
This also ensures that customers are only shown relevant products which in turn increases their willingness to buy, resulting in an increased conversion rate.

Intelligent reasoning

Product quizzes use intelligent reasoning to provide evidence and rationale for the products chosen to be displayed as a recommendation. E.g. Our bike advisor displays all the bike specifications which match the answers to questions such as height, gender, usage of bike, type of biker, etc. This not only builds a customer's trust but also drastically reduces the chances of them returning a product.

Enhanced machine learning

Machine learning unlocks the full potential of usage and purchase data, creates new sales knowledge and reacts to buying trends in real time. Due to this, it constantly enhances the recommendations provided to customers.

Improve your
marketing & sales

To improve Ecommerce strategies, it is crucial to regularly identify action points and better them. Consumer data allows you to define your ideal buyers, establish a fluid sales funnel, react timely to trends and insights, etc.

Multi-channel integration
for wide reach

The excentos product quiz can be integrated across devices and touchpoints, notably desktop, mobile and in-store. It can be rolled out and introduced to new markets where it automatically adapts to local data feeds and can be customized to fit the target market better.

What our customers can tell you...

  • We saw significantly higher growth rates for all products integrated in the advisor compared to the overall product range. The excentos staff were always there to support us for any questions and helped us to get the most out of the platform.

    - Ortlieb

  • Customers who use the excentos Gift Finder are 3 times more likely to make a buying decision than those who do not.

    - myToys

  • Digital consulting with excentos is now an essential part of our marketing, and we are very satisfied with the results.

    - Vaude

How can I create a product quiz?

With the excentos Workbench, build your very own product quiz in a matter of minutes.

How do B2Bs advise their online customers? [Builder]

21 October, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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How do B2Bs advise their online customers?

21 October, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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The complex nature of B2Bs sometimes proves difficult to represent online. Their customers do carry out online searches and there is also the possibility of far too much information being available. In short, information needs to be organized in a way where a quick resolution is met. A customer at times also requires multiple points of contact in their product journey, providing them with support at every step. Take a look at three B2B case studies that use Guided Selling software to successfully lead their customers through this difficult customer journey.

Jungheinrich simplifies the product journey for its customers

Jungheinrich forklift advisor

Jungheinrich has a diverse portfolio with extensive experience in logistics systems and services. As their forklifts have the ability to provide various permutations and customizations for customers, they required an advice system that could address every kind of customer query, no matter thei extent of product knowledge.

Notable advantages

Height and weight mapping

  • During the consulting process, customers only answer questions that they can answer with confidence. At the same time, they are informed about the product and the various advantages it provides. In this way, the Product Advisor is able to dramatically reduce the complexity of application and guides each customer to a well-founded purchase decision.
  • Tedious calculations such as the dependence of the lifting height and the weight of the load, are calculated by the system and conveyed to the customer in a user-friendly way using a slider.

Environment configuration

  • Customers always have the option to get personal advice at every stage.

Jungheinrich forklift recommendations

  • It also lets customers select between purchasing a new forklift or a used one, as well as simply renting one.
  • This Product Guide is used in different markets and has been translated into several languages such as Deutsch, English, Danish and Dutch.

"Advice is, alongside the machine, an essential part of customer satisfaction." - Process Management Sales, Jungheinrich

Brother uses a cost-driven transparent approach for customers

Brother printer setup cost analysis

Brother produces electronics that are quite often used in offices, and hence have to cater to a huge B2B audience. Their product range includes printers, multifunction printers, desktop computers, label printers, fax machines and other computer-related electronics.

A specific problem with providing information for such electronics is that they can get quite technical and complex. The requirements of B2B customers could be even more complex because they have to consider factors such as size, volume, sustainability, efficiency, etc. This can turn out to be a costly affair, therefore Brother wanted to provide a tool specifically for printers, that would consider all of these factors and give the customer a cost-based recommendation.

Notable advantages

Print volume estimation

  • The Product Guide uses estimations to get an idea of printing volume and subsequently provide the most sustainable option. It considers the size of the office environment in relation to employee productivity.

Explanation content

Recommended printer strategy for environment

  • Brother addresses real purchase consideration factors of their customer: How much do we need? And how economical can we get?
  • This is a good example of a design that successfully integrates the brand and concept presence.
  • The Product Guide asks all necessary questions within 5 stages.

"Brother addresses real purchase consideration factors of their customer: How much do we need? And how economical can we get?"

Heroal gives quick product recommendations to targeted customers

Heroal aluminum systems

Heroal is a leading manufacturer of aluminum system solutions for roller shutters, sun protection, roller doors, windows, doors and facades. They are a market-leading company and use aluminum from recycling cycles as well as renewable raw materials. As they are a customer-oriented company they use a Product Finder to help their customers to quickly find a solution that fits their needs.

Notable advantages

Type of window and door system

  • The Product Finder is to-the-point and addresses a vast section of applications within one stage itself.
  • As the answer options are specific, the Heroal Product Finder is able to provide precise or optimum recommendations to their customers.

Performing features

  • A customer can find an optimum product quickly and in a couple of minutes.
  • This particular Product Finder is aimed towards a customer who has existing knowledge about such systems and hence targets a specific type of audience.
  • The design reduces the complexity of the concept while simplifying the information.
  • The Product Finder asks all the necessary questions within 4 stages.

Heroal product recommendations

  • All recommendations are displayed with the reasoning behind them, giving the customer complete transparency.

"A customer can find an optimum product quickly and in a couple of minutes."
B2Bs now have various options to improve website experiences to provide potential customers relevant information in a truly useful way. But there is often a tendency for them to be difficult to represent online, meaning that B2B solutions might be complicated and vast to explain efficiently. Guided Selling recommendations provide several benefits such as targeting the right audience, building a customer-centric experience and providing the necessary information to make informed decisions. Hence, Guided Selling software such as Product Guide are an optimum solution for B2Bs looking to improve their online presence and customer support.

Start giving personalized advice

Find out how your company can implement personalized advice.

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    Read all about Guided Selling software, and the many different Ecommerce solutions that are available for B2Bs and B2Cs.

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    An in-depth look at the D2C trend and how brands can use aspects of it to increase their brand presence and get more control over their product and consumer data.

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  • Top UX trends for Ecommerce 2021

    With disruptive challenges in 2020, brands and retailers adopted new strategies for Ecommerce. Get to know the top UX trends you can use to not be left behind.

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How home furnishing brands are leading in the online shopping experience [Builder]

1 August, 2019
Sophia Lelew
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How home furnishing brands are leading in the online shopping experience

1 August, 2019
Sophia Lelew

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As fall approaches, homeware and furniture brands are highlighting their best Scandi hygge, nomadic prints and grey hues. As ever, the season trends have been unveiled on thousands of furniture and homeware sites; ready to be snapped up by eager home-lovers and design enthusiasts.

As with many other consumer products, technology continues to play a major role in helping consumers make a choice in the home and furniture retail space.

"technology continues to play a major role in helping consumers make a choice"

“Worldwide online furniture and homewares sales are expected to be close to $200 billion in 2019.” — Statista

A lucrative and ever-growing market, fashion retailers are also starting to realize the potential. Urban Outfitters, Asos, Zara and H&M are just a few of many who are now selling furniture, textiles, ceramics and home accessories online. With this increased competition, traditional furniture and homeware brands have been put to the test.

We take a look at how some brands are performing well to triumph over the likes of fashion retailers, by providing a personalized service which online consumers love.

Product Advisors: MADE and Dulux

MADE and Dulux take personalized advice online and assist their online shoppers to find their perfect products.

With just a few simple questions, the user provides valuable information about their personal taste and preferences. The product advisor then finds recommendations which are personalized to suit the user's needs. Product advisors can also be great fun for your users to interact with, as they add that special touch to the online shopping experience.

Without product advisors, users can become easily confused amongst the thousands of products a website has to offer. By minimizing the amount that users see and focusing in on what matters to their individual needs, companies increase their chances of getting a sale.

MADE Sofas, Furniture & Homeware —

63% of consumers want personalized recommendations." — RILA

1. Discover products that match your taste

Source: MADE

"Discover products that match your taste"

2. "Like 7 images that feel like home"

What we love:

  • ✓ users are provided with an array of images which portray different styles and inspiration.

  • ✓ the social media-style interface is interactive and allows users to easily scroll and give an image the thumbs up.

  • ✓ by providing visuals instead of words, it also makes it quicker for the user to envision their ideal home.

"interactive social media-style interfaces allow users to easily scroll and give an image the thumbs up"

3. "Your style is..."

What we love:

  • ✓ the feature to email ourselves or social share our results with friends.

  • ✓ personalized color, material and print recommendations

"personalized color, material and print recommendations"

4. "Products for you..."

What we love:

  • ✓ personalized product recommendations which suit the user's taste.

  • ✓ products shown within different settings to further help the user imagine their perfect home.

"personalized product recommendations which suit the user's taste."

Dulux Paint —

1. "Welcome to your world in color"

What we love:

  • ✓ Dulux place their Product Guide as the very first thing a user sees when entering their website.

  • ✓ the Product Guide caters to all types of customers: those who already know what they want and those who require assistance.

"Product Guides cater to all types of customers: those who already know what they want and those who require assistance."

2. "Pick your color palette"

What we love:

  • ✓ visually appealing

  • ✓ users can state the finer details such as location, surface and finish.

"users can state the finer details such as location, surface and finish."

3. "Popular colors and colors to be mixed"

What we love:

  • ✓ practical tips such as primary color options, as well as colors to be mixed

  • ✓ only shown the color which we stated we were interested in

"only shown the color which we stated we were interested in"

Image Search: Wayfair

Image searches help users to find products via images instead of text. They work by using query by image content (QBIC) and content-based visual information retrieval (CBVIR). Users simply upload an image they like or feel inspired by and the website search engine delivers similar products available within their product assortment. In addition, if users don't know the name of a product but simply have an image — it's a perfect way for them to identify a product name and get more information.

As the world becomes more visual and photo sharing sites like Instagram become even more popular, the image search is something which will continue to grow; eventually becoming the conventional way to search.

“Image and voice-activated search may make up 50% of all searches by 2020” — Absolunet

Wayfair Furniture & Homeware —

What we love:
  • ✓ image attributes instead of descriptive metadata to search — helpful if the user doesn't know the product name or wants to find visually similar looking products

  • ✓ user-friendly interface and easy for mobile users who can upload images from their phone galleries

Live Chat and Virtual Assitants: Nest & Dulux

Live chat functions and virtual assistants mean that you can provide your users instant feedback and support and at no extra cost for them.

"38% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company if they offer live chat support." — kayako

In comparison with traditional phone support and customer hotlines, live chat and virtual assistants are much more convenient for the majority of customers.

Live chat can provide answers quickly and has the ability to mimic natural style conversations which you would have in-store with a human sales-assistant.

Virtual assistants are the automated version of live chat tools. No man-power required: just AI and machine learning, a virtual assistant can advise users within seconds and quickly point them to the products they are looking for.

"42% of customers prefer live chat compared to 23% for email and 16% for social media or forums." — JD Power.

Nest Furniture & Homeware —

What we love:
  • ✓ by showing the face behind the chat operators, it makes the tool much more approachable and personal.

  • ✓ the integrated search engine is a more engaging way to provide answers to FAQs

Dulux Paint —

What we love:
  • ✓ users get an answer within a few clicks.

  • ✓ users have a live chat option, should the virtual assistant not give them sufficient enough advice.

Wondering why your customers are leaving your website early or simply don't make it to the cart? It could be down to the lack of personalization on your website.

Personalization tools such as Product Guides, sophisticated search engines and virtual assistants can help your customers, your customer support team and best of all, your revenue!

Provide your customers with personalized advice

Find out how your company can implement
personalized advice for all of your users.

Book a demo

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    Read all about Guided Selling software, and the many different Ecommerce solutions that are available for B2Bs and B2Cs.

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  • What's the big deal about Direct to Consumer (D2C)?

    An in-depth look at the D2C trend and how brands can use aspects of it to increase their brand presence and get more control over their product and consumer data.

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  • Top UX trends for Ecommerce 2021

    With disruptive challenges in 2020, brands and retailers adopted new strategies for Ecommerce. Get to know the top UX trends you can use to not be left behind.

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How Product Guides make online selling easier [Builder]

21 January, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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How Product Guides make online selling easier

21 January, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Product Guides are sophisticated online selling solutions designed to help your customers find the best products for their needs. In our experience, Guided Selling software is able to do much more as it targets both specific and multiple issues with regard to online selling. We’ve got great examples of Guided Selling solutions to demonstrate the various problems they help to solve.

KOS Klima Product Configurator

KOS Klima provides customers with air conditioning solutions and hence cater to different types of needs. Their customers often face long wait times and have to schedule appointments to get any kind of service. But with their Product Configurator, they are able to immediately provide customers with a helpful and informative response.

Address difficult configurations and customizations

Air conditioning is tricky and complex as each space comes with a different layout (interior and exterior) and different dimensions. Each project hence comes with its unique requirements and customer preferences. But the KOS Klima configurator bundles all of these different needs and dynamically calculates the price accordingly.

Reduce the complexity of customer requests

The KOS Klima Product Configurator handles a dynamic and complex range of customer needs, reducing the need for multiple inquiry calls. It provides a systematic process from the beginning to help build a potential relationship with a customer.

Improve the quality of customer experience

This Product Configurator has been built by utilizing expert knowledge and experience. As every customization facet is addressed, it is able to acquire multiple requirements within one session.

Customers also have options to upload images of the space to precisely define their requirements. This saves valuable time for the customer as well as the business, improves customer experience and the quality of the final quotation.

"...handles a dynamic and complex range of customer needs, reducing the need for multiple inquiry calls" Product Advisor are experts when it comes to anything in the arena of running. Naturally, their expertise and knowledge required a methodical representation online. They wanted to address the many pain points that they know customers go through, while trying to find the right kind of running shoes.

Establish product expertise

With so many resources online, it becomes difficult to establish or even present your knowledge and expertise. Product Advisors are perfect to solve this because they let you integrate your personal knowledge to establish domain authority.

Assess customer habits and goals to provide personalized advice

This Product Advisor truly helps a customer by assessing habits and events, e.g. injuries, pronations, etc. It also wants to understand their running goals to recognize the level of personal achievement an individual is aiming for. This ensures that the right use-case is met in every category of need. E.g. It would recommend a particular shoe for someone who wants to go trail running 4 times a week, with a tendency to over-pronate their right foot and has a certain budget in mind.

Help decision-making

The characteristics of a product and the individual needs of a customer vary. You can find several running shoes that may match what you are looking for, but Product Advisors work to perfectly match these two purchase factors. They provide the best option or solution with a thorough reasoning for the recommended product and hence give the customer a logical push towards a purchase decision.

"...integrate your personal knowledge to establish domain authority"

ABUS Product Finder

ABUS has an incredible range of high-tech security products for mobile properties. They have a varied inventory of bike locks as they differ in terms of technology and the intended use-case. Hence, one can find different sub-categories of their products, and customers may or may not be aware of the applications of each.

Advise customers with different levels of product knowledge

Customers are self-aware and do conduct online research to find out more about products. But with certain product categories, there tends to be a mixed bag. They have various degrees of product knowledge and hence do not have a clear understanding of their own requirements. Product Guides can address both the knowledgeable customers and customers who have a limited understanding.

This Product Guide assesses the risk, usage and value of a bike before providing recommendations. A customer with limited knowledge would perhaps not consider such parameters before looking for an optimum bike lock.

Manage sub-categories of products

Certain products have several sub-categories and this makes it harder for the customer to find the right kind of product. E.g. ABUS has locks which work with different mechanisms and thereby have different advantages.

Promote new product types and innovative features

Product Guides also allow you to seamlessly promote new types of products as well as their innovative features. E.g. ABUS has digital and smartphone locks for the more tech-savvy customer. Similarly, based on your marketing and sales goals, you can also target holidays, promote special discounts or offers, and tease customers with upcoming products.

"Product Guides can address both the knowledgeable customers and customers who have a limited understanding"
As we have seen from the examples above, Guided Selling solutions are useful tools that can solve a variety of online selling problems. But understanding where the problem lies is an important first step towards improving your online presence and selling. Along with this, marketing and sales goals are also essential determinants to choose the right form of a Guided Selling solution.

Sign up for a free trial!

With our online platform, the Workbench, you can create a Product Guide for your business in minutes.

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    Read all about Guided Selling software, and the many different Ecommerce solutions that are available for B2Bs and B2Cs.

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  • What's the big deal about Direct to Consumer (D2C)?

    An in-depth look at the D2C trend and how brands can use aspects of it to increase their brand presence and get more control over their product and consumer data.

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  • Top UX trends for Ecommerce 2021

    With disruptive challenges in 2020, brands and retailers adopted new strategies for Ecommerce. Get to know the top UX trends you can use to not be left behind.

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How your Business can Tackle the Pandemic [Builder]

8 April, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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How your business can tackle the pandemic

8 April, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Consumers are shopping online to address immediate needs

As physical mobility has been deterred, customers are shopping online and are reacting to the fear of running out. According to NielsenIQ, consumers are focused on products that support health maintenance as well as focusing on finding everyday commodities, in these days of lockdowns. This would appear to be the new normal for the weeks to come, and it is important for businesses to realize consumer priorities. This also means an increase in adoption of digital channels by consumers, yet they will always expect intuitive and apt services and this provides an opportunity for businesses.

A report by ContentSquare says that, “These purchases clearly correspond to the logic of the Maslow pyramid: in order to satisfy needs at the base of the pyramid, consumers are stocking up mostly on food and health necessities, ensuring they have the basic equipment to stay at home (TV, PCs, headsets, fridges…) and taking care of their finances. At the same time, any purchase that falls into the top tier of the Maslow pyramid of needs, such as non-necessary items and of course, any outdoor activities, are dropping significantly.”

The following graph by ContentSquare gives an industry-wise overview:

“Consumers will always expect intuitive and apt services, this provides an opportunity for businesses”

Chinese businesses have benefited from innovative digital strategies

Incentives to induce consumers to purchase

'Local governments and merchants are distributing vouchers to boost consumer spending in the short-term. As compared to the U.S. and U.K. which are handing out cash to citizens, vouchers are a way of directing consumer behavior purely towards the purpose of spending. “The eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou announced a plan to issue e-vouchers via Alibaba's online-payment service Alipay Thursday. By 4 p.m. Sunday, the resulting consumer spending had amounted to 453 million yuan (about 64 million U.S. dollars), 15 times as much as the total of the vouchers given out, with the redeemed government subsidies reaching 28.93 million yuan, data from local commerce bureau showed,” said one article.

Time for digital transformation

Taobao is a e-commerce marketplace owned by Alibaba Group Holding. Recently they launched an initiative to help transform traditional factories in China. Hai Wang, general manager of Taobao’s C2M business unit said that, “Stepping up our made-to-order strategy is an ongoing Taobao initiative to diversify product supplies across the ecosystem to meet demand from our consumers and help manufacturers lagging in the digital race to use technology to transform their processes. Manufacturers will benefit from increased efficiency and reduced costs and will be able to generate higher revenues.”
Taobao expects that the C2M initiative will bring 10 billion new orders to factories from across the country over the next three years, while transforming 1,000 manufacturers into “super factories” with output exceeding 100 million yuan (US$14 million) each, driving productivity at 10 factory clusters in China to 10 billion yuan or more. (Source: The South China Morning Post)

Usage of online channels

Huawei was set to launch its P40 series in France, which had a total of 1412 cases at the time. Due to rising concerns for public safety, the event was cancelled and Huawei decided to launch the new series through an online event instead.

Usage of social media

In order to quickly change tack and adapt, Cosmo Lady, the largest underwear and lingerie company in China, enlisted employees to promote and sell through their social circles via WeChat. They created a sales ranking to drive motivation and participation.

“the resulting consumer spending had amounted to 453 million yuan (about 64 million U.S. dollars), 15 times as much as the total of the vouchers given out”

5 tips for businesses to adapt

  1. Prioritize communicating through digital media by shifting your marketing and sales activities online.

  2. Your website should host a comprehensive FAQ section to address all the changes made to your business activities in light of the crisis.

  3. Work more on communicating with current customers but ensure you do not overwhelm them.

  4. Ensure your website is optimized and working efficiently for customers and potential leads.

  5. Keep track of current consumer behavior as certain aspects might become habitual in the foreseeable future.

The economic impact of COVID-19 will be potentially grave. Businesses need to survive through the current slowdown while simultaneously planning around scenarios for a recovery period, with most saying that this period is likely to occur in the last quarter of the year. As the pandemic might be prolonged, transforming offline activities to some form of a digital channel is a necessity given the current situation around the world. Hence, businesses should focus on digital channels along with building a good customer experience.

“Ensure your website is optimized and working efficiently for customers and potential leads.”

New to selling online?

This is what we do and care about.
Let us help you sell more and build a great customer experience online.

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    An in-depth look at the D2C trend and how brands can use aspects of it to increase their brand presence and get more control over their product and consumer data.

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Is the new consumer here to stay? [Builder]

22 June, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Is the new consumer here to stay?

22 June, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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After a period of adjustment, the ‘new normal’ has ushered in new consumer behaviors. A report from Mckinsey suggests five consistent trends observed amongst 45 countries –
1) Consumers have become more mindful of their spending habits.
2) More consumers are using online shopping.
3) Consumers have tried new products due to supply chain disruptions.
4) They prefer to shop in stores that create a safe environment.
5) Largely, consumers do not feel entirely confident about returning to out-of-home activities, however, shopping certainly remains a priority.

Mckinsey Consumer Behavior

A more mindful consumer

In the United States, the bureau of economic analysis estimated that consumption expenditure in May 2020 increased from -12.6% to 8.2%. Although this is a considerable increase in spending, Greg Daco, chief U.S. economist at Oxford Economics stated in this barrons article that, ”…with uncertainty still elevated and virus fears resurfacing, frugal consumer behaviors should persist in the coming months and weigh on the recovery.”

Online shopping has significantly increased.

The average consumer will weigh all his options before deciding to make a purchase, and will be more cautious as there is also risk and exposure at the forefront of decision-making. Retailers and brands hence need to consider products that provide value for money for such a consumer. This may also lead to a decrease in brand preference and loyalty.

" May 2020, decreased from 10.8% to -4.2%, while consumption expenditure increased from -12.6% to 8.2%."

Adoption of digital channels

Although stores have opened, consumers are yet hesitant towards store visits. The presence of a store and the nature of sales interactions have changed, making way for a more hybrid sales strategy involving both online and physical stores. However, convenience is an aspect that will remain crucial for customers even in the recovery period, especially considering current phenomena such as contactless deliveries, pick-ups, social media selling, etc.

Consumers who were once unsure of online buying now welcome it, ushering in more acceptance and adoption. At the same time, brands and retailers are also trying to stay relevant to consumers who are constantly changing their preferences.


As this Nielson report suggests, “… retailers are reconsidering how to stay relevant to consumers who will have rapidly changing consideration sets. In the past, they could have performed these kinds of assessments with relatively ample time for testing. That is no longer the case. Changing retail channels are a case in point. Online adoption has taken just weeks to get to a tipping point that would have otherwise taken years. The U.S. offers a case in point with a 4% bump.”

"… retailers are reconsidering how to stay relevant to consumers who will have rapidly changing consideration sets."

Brick-and-mortar stores

Brick-and-mortar stores still remain important in terms of overall shopping experience. A consumer can visit a physical store to browse through and get more information about products in a real-world sense. Similarly, there is also the option of providing a digital advisor or an in-store solution for shop customers. A BBC article also suggests that customers tend to spend more money in-store then they do online as they see more and are caught up in a kind of ‘shopping euphoria.’

But one can argue that this is more valid in the context of having the physicality and mobility available in the store experience. E.g. when one decides to spend a leisurely afternoon in a mall. This was a common browsing pattern and consumers will in all probability adapt to a new behavior.

Consumers could find better offers online.

At the moment, there is also an abundance of sales and discounts, but a consumer could potentially find a better deal online or combine both these channels e.g. by purchasing online and picking up the product in the store. Hence, a functional shopper would have no barriers in online shopping while a leisurely one would perhaps no longer have the intrinsic motivation to step into a store.

"...customers tend to spend more money in-store then they do online as they see more and are caught up in a kind of ‘shopping euphoria."

Website experience

Online shopping is on the rise and will continue to be a source of convenience for customers. Retailers and brands naturally need to provide an online experience that is helpful, interactive and easy.

According to this Harvard business report, “Customers will no longer tolerate sub-par digital shopping experiences like they may have before the crisis. Retailers have to make sure their sites are mobile-responsive, offer integrated services such as ‘buy online pick up in store’ (BOPIS), and deliver a consistent, reliable digital experience across devices and channels.”

"Customers will no longer tolerate sub-par digital shopping experiences like they may have before the crisis."

Consumers are not expecting a virtual replication of the in-store environment, but they do expect the same amount of expertise and care. Our Guided Selling tools like Product Guides have this exact ability where existing in-store knowledge can be utilized to give the best advice to your online customers. Guided Selling provides customers with the necessary reasoning and recommends the best-suited products. Hence, this increases their willingness to make a purchase. Guided Selling-enabled Product Guides are informative, convenient and can deliver a seamless website experience for your customers.

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Lead Generation can save the day! [Builder]

08 June, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Lead Generation can save the day!

08 June, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Lead Generation can Save the Day!

B2B and B2C businesses are treating the crisis as an opportunity to shoot out all kinds of messages, with many experts suggesting that the ones using an empathic approach in their communication will fare better in the long run. While reaching out to your customers is important, remember that your decisions today will affect customer perception, and the wrong kind of communication could lose you a valuable lead or a loyal customer. When we talk about online lead generation, informative communication is the cornerstone of a good lead generation strategy.

A Good Website Experience

As more people are working and staying at home, providing a good website experience is essential. 360 leads says, “If there was ever a time for lead nurturing and acquisition, it’s now. Most of us have found ourselves with extra time, working from home, online for the better part of the day, and, with social distancing being the new normal, longing for human connection and reassurance.”

For B2Bs especially, having an online presence and a solid customer experience strategy will not only benefit them in the present moment, but also in the long run. With regard to customer experience, the chart below from, gives us an idea about the major frustrations customers face according to customer experience professionals. Before the ‘new normal,’ we can note that the top three problems were longer response times, not understanding customer needs, and unresolved issues.

hotjar CX graphic

Although shops are opening, the nature of interacting with a customer has changed, as seen with contactless deliveries, curbside pick-ups, and even with in-store staff. At the present moment, it is difficult to foresee when things will go back to the way they were and one way or the other, some offline activities can be routed to online mediums. Hence, employee interaction with customers can take an online form (e.g. video, email or chat) or has been solved by simply providing relevant advice and information on websites. E.g. during the lockdown in China, retail selling has taken the form of chat, and several brands have adopted this as a new and additional sales channel.

"...during the lockdown in China, retail selling has taken the form of chat, and several brands have adopted this as a new and additional sales channel."

Generate Leads Through Personalized Recommendations

A Product Advisor is an ideal tool as it provides advice based on the needs of the customer, in other words, it can use your in-store knowledge to strengthen your website experience. By utilizing this knowledge, personalized recommendations are able to deliver an informative experience.

Jungheinrich Forklift Guide

An example of this is how Jungheinrich — a leading manufacturer of logistics products, uses a Product Advisor to display product recommendations to its website visitors. By using the excentos Product Advisor, Jungheinrich is able to recommend the best forklifts to hire. A visitor is guided through a series of questions to ascertain which kind of forklift is required, and as this could prove to be quite technical, they have also provided an option to seek personal advice directly. Once the visitor gets a recommendation through the advisor, they can generate a PDF with all the product details and reasoning ready at hand. In this way, Jungheinrich uses every interaction point as a lead generation opportunity throughout the experience.

Jungheinrich PDF generation

The PDF itself can also contain outbound links that could e.g. bring the customer back to the product page or connect them to any other step in the sales process. According to an Accenture report, "91% of consumers also say that they are more likely to shop with brands that provide offers and recommendations that are relevant to them." Product Guides and Advisors are an asset for websites as they not only help to assist visitors, but are able to generate leads to ensure that no opportunities are lost.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an important component of lead generation, which more than often is mismanaged. 70% of millennials say that they are frustrated with brands sending irrelevant emails. Brands can stay ‘top of mind’ by sending product recommendations through personalized emails. A lot of people still prefer receiving product information via emails, so ensure that you have a dedicated space on your website with the right solution that encourages sign-ups. The visitor should be curious and interested enough with the website content to voluntarily sign-up to receive personal recommendations, thereby also establishing a higher lead quality. Occasionally, you may also need to send cold emails and although it is an obvious point, it bears repeating that it is essential to have a well-thought-out email template.

Essentials for a Good Email Template

'From' name

The ‘From' name is an element that is most prominent when one receives an email. To add a human touch to the email, you can send emails from a sales representative or manager who is assigned to the lead in question.

Subject of the Email

Always personalize the subject of your email as it is one of the first things the subscriber will read. A good example is to use the subscriber's name in the subject line, while also addressing the request they have signed up for.

*example text

Opening Text

The same goes for the opening text of the email, it is important to make the subscriber feel that you are addressing them on a one-to-one level. You should work on the tone as per the intended context, as the same would carry forward through the body of the email. Check out this Sephora example:

*example text

Product Attributes and Images

When sending emails related to your product, always remember to systematically display product attributes to ensure that the subscriber has all the information at hand and that it is clear and easy to understand. Sephora often uses great personalized emails to recommend products that are perfect for the individual customer. Visuals speak louder than words, so ensure that you use the latest images of your products and that they are of good quality.

*Sephora personalized email

Outbound links

Remember to always have a few outbound links to relevant website pages such as product details page, shopping cart, contact information, etc. Always double check whether each link leads to the intended page and whether there are any errors. Asics uses several outbound links in this example:

Asics reminder email

Call-to-Action Button

Create a visible and benefit-focused call-to-action button that will prompt the subscriber to click it. The design and placement of the button are equally important, make sure its position matches the overall reading flow of the email. The same Asics example has excellent CTA buttons at the bottom of the email, that prompt the user to act.

Asics reminder email

Lead generation needs a pragmatic approach and one way to achieve this is to develop your own lead generation strategy:

1. Conduct a Marketing Channel Audit

By conducting an audit you will get a better understanding of which channels might work better to generate leads. Email marketing will probably remain a priority in this list, but also consider the impact of social media, paid advertising, search engine optimization, affiliate marketing, guest blogging, etc. on your lead generation strategy.

2. Raise Awareness and Motivate Interest with the Right Content

Once users click-through to your website, ensure you have created the required landing pages and have left no stone unturned to produce content that gets you results. Keep the aim of such pages in mind—is it to inform the visitor? Or is it a page that should encourage them to sign-up? Guided Selling tools like Product Advisors can be particularly useful as they are interactive in nature and recommend products and solutions based on the customers' needs. Create such relevant lead magnets and ensure they are available at the appropriate stages in a customer's sales journey.

3. Analyze and Adjust

Whichever medium you use, measurement is the surest way to decide what is working for you, hence analytics should unquestionably be a part of your lead generation strategy. You can track visitor behavior, click-through-rates, bounce rates, performance of landing pages, and conversion by using analytics platforms such as Google Analytics, Matomo, Cyfe, etc. There are many more free tools and services available as well. Track email marketing metrics such as click-through-rates, open rate, bounces, sign-ups, unsubscribes, etc. to help create better email templates.

Lastly, remember that relevant communication and presentation of information play a key role in lead generation.

"...use your in-store knowledge to strengthen your website experience. By utilizing this knowledge, personalized recommendations are able to deliver an informative experience."

Let them come to You.

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Personalize the process of buying gifts online [Builder]

17 November, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Gift finders: Personalize the process of buying gifts online

17 November, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Customers prefer online purchases

Gifting is a ubiquitous phenomenon during the holidays and many customers now pre-order and buy gifts from the comfort of their homes. Have you ever considered that with so many options for gifts, the number of decisions one has to make also increases? Let’s also take into account that a person might have an idea of what they want to gift, but they don’t have a particular product or brand in mind.

But customers are also savvy and possess more knowledge about products than ever before, some already know what they want and the kind of product that would prove to be a good gift. In this case, the decision has been already been made. But yet there are two online opportunities to consider:

How do I help customers make a decision they are happy with?

How do I guide them to reach that decision quickly?

What are Guided Selling-based gift finders?

A gift finder is an interactive website tool that uses Guided Selling to help customers skip the exhaustive parts of searching for a good gift. It is helpful to ensure that website visitors do not bounce off of your relevant pages. As gift finders guide the customer to a perfectly-matching gift, they automatically increase visitor retention as well.

Brands and retailers alike find gift finders useful for customer interaction and experience, especially for the holiday seasons. They offer several advantages for online customers:

  1. A gift finder is an ideal solution to compare different kinds of gifts and get alternative recommendations.

  2. Customers get decisive advice from AI-based recommendations, thereby increasing buying decisions.

  3. Online shoppers expect swift and useful digital interactions and gift finders fit the bill perfectly.

  4. You can target different kinds of customers with a single interactive experience by integrating different stages of awareness within one gift finder.

  5. Gift finders also take into account your expertise input. So, by using your personal insights you are able to deliver gifting options which stem from human intuition and experience.

Brand case studies

As with any Guided Selling solution, gift finders use a systematic process to understand the nature of your needs. It's not just about finding a product that fits your needs, but to find a gift that is suitable for a particular person. Look at how brands have used gift finders successfully:


L'occitane gift finder

This gift finder is incredibly simple and specific about its target audience. It so easily and quickly encapsulates all the necessary details in a single page, e.g. gender, relationship, the effect the product should have and most importantly - the budget.
Based on these simple details, it is able to quickly provide recommendations with excellent reviews that fit within a person’s personal budget. A person can also select a certain product category, e.g. if requested, the gift finder will only display recommendations of the brand's top perfumes.

"The gift finder is able to quickly provide recommendations with excellent reviews that fit within a person’s personal budget"


Smartwool gift finder

As the name suggests, Smartwool is all about wool specifically suited for outdoors and performance durability. They have a pretty big range of products and hence they use a gift finder to target the holidays. This brand smartly combines seasonal needs with passions, hobbies and successfully personalizes the customer journey.

Smartwool recommendations

Gifting something that supports a passion is more thoughtful than the average woolen scarf, and this is the central concept used here. The gift finder also allows you to select a budget and the kind of features that would be preferable for the intended person. By doing this, they are able to seamlessly integrate their product technologies and other notable features.

"They are able to seamlessly integrate their product technologies and other notable features."

Uncommon goods

Uncommon goods gift finder

Uncommon goods is a website based entirely on out-of-the-ordinary or peculiar gifts. Hence, the gift finder they use is special as it takes into account the personality of a person. It uses keywords to easily capture a person’s passions, hobbies, interests etc. One can also manually add keywords describing a certain personality into the gift finder.

Uncommon goods recommendations

The concept is to gift something extraordinary and special, yet something that matches the tastes and interests of the intended. In this context, the products themselves are not regular, but unique enough to be matched to certain personality traits and the recommendations ensure exactly that.

"The concept is to gift something extraordinary and special, yet something that matches the tastes and interests of the intended."

Invest in Guided Selling

Gift finders are always a useful tool to target holiday seasons, but as you can see from the examples above, gift finders are not exclusive for holidays and are flexible enough to be used in a variety of ways to target multiple customer segments. This also helps brands and websites to target seasonal traffic in a consistent and organized manner.

So if your product categories do well during gifting seasons, then a gift finder is definitely the way to go. They are easy to integrate, manage, and provide benefits like customer satisfaction, increased sales, decreased returns, and more importantly - customer insights.

Our solutions use sophisticated AI-driven technologies to provide a seamless integrated experience across digital channels as well as in-store. If you’re looking to enhance customer experience for your brand or website, investing in Guided Selling software is beneficial in more ways than one.

"Product Advisors let you know which of your products are more valuable, differences in target groups and regions, seasonal trends, Ecommerce revenues, etc."

Provide customers with personalized advice

Find out how your company can implement personalized advice for all your customers.

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Redefine product data using AI to address real customer needs [Builder]

15 September, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Redefine product data using AI and address real customer needs

15 September, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Customers at times have no prior knowledge or expertise while they are searching for products to purchase, leading them to ask certain high-level use case questions. When people describe these use cases, their needs are defined at a more detailed and complicated level than what is usually represented online. Consider the difference between asking for running shoes and asking for running shoes that are specifically designed for your type of feet.

In this scenario, online Product Guides are the ideal solution as they are able to pose such need-based questions before customers and recommend products that go beyond fulfilling a basic checklist of features. They don’t have to worry about understanding product technicalities and configurations or waste time browsing through product detail pages containing irrelevant information. This simplifies the product search process for them, thereby improving your website’s user experience.

A deeper look into Product Guides

A Product Guide is built upon a concept based on Guided Selling principles and essentially focuses on the various use case levels that should be addressed for a particular product. A concept is used to generate high-level questions and can hence use an expert's knowledge about a product in conjunction with its product data. In its native form, product data is usually low-leveled, flat, and at times even technical in nature, and hence there remains a gap in interpretation as well as its relevancy for a particular use case. A product expert hence uses a Product Guide to tap into this higher-level of understanding to solve the customer’s needs.

E.g. let’s assume a customer wants to buy a new DSLR camera, but is relatively new to photography. They will face confusion when they come across certain details such as, ISO sensitivity, focal length, shutter speed, etc. When comparing models too, they will come across a table as shown below:

Example taken from Amazon

An expert photographer could easily interpret this chart, but even then would spend a considerable amount of time going through such a detail-heavy comparison. Now, try the Product Guide below which poses usage-based questions and doesn’t involve the customer with the bulky details. It also simplifies by using explanation content at logical steps of the process.

excentos camera guide

"...product data is usually low-leveled, flat, and at times even technical in nature, and hence there remains a gap in interpretation as well as its relevancy for a particular use case."
Let’s also consider a simpler example. If you’re looking to purchase trekking shoes online, you will go online and try to find the sports or outdoor category in a website. You may also just search and filter only trekking shoes and manually start going through the ones that you’ve liked. Maybe, you’ve also done some initial research to find out the features they should have, but the description text and features don’t exactly match what you have in mind, or maybe they have been given an altogether different name that is hard to interpret.

Now consider the Product Guide perspective where you’ve been presented a product advisor that has been specifically created for trekking shoes. Instead of providing you with a set of features, it asks you questions like, ‘Where are you going for your trek?’; ‘How rigorous is the trek?’; ‘Do you have flat feet or broad feet?', etc. Based on all your individual requirements, it is able to give you the perfect pair that matches all your needs, not just a few, and also saves a lot of browsing time.

Through the process of Guided Selling, you are personalizing the user experience and navigating a customer through their purchase journey. Guided Selling hence has several advantages for Ecommerce sites, retailers and brands alike. As you can see from these examples, Guided Selling ascertains needs through conversation and seeks a response, as opposed to the customer taking all the effort to search.

But how can I use my product expertise?

We’ve discussed a lot about product data, Guided Selling and Product Guides, hence let’s look at how we integrate your expertise. So say you’ve created a Product Guide to improve your website’s performance, and wish to make the concept truly useful as you now also recognize that your product data is low-leveled in nature, and that it may not be able to address high-level questions. This is where AI data training comes to play as it allows you to create and assign virtual attributes for your products based on your knowledge and experience. In this way, you are able to create and automatically map attributes to specific needs and their answers.

excentos AI Data Trainer

In the example above, our AI Data Trainer has been used to create the style attribute for a variety of coats and hence the different kinds of styles are labeled as classic, extravagent, etc.

excentos AI Data Trainer

The next step is to categorize a few products with these labels and the rest are automatically taken care of by the AI Data Trainer.

excentos AI Data Trainer

After this virtual attribute is activated, you are able to present a style-specific question and the Product Advisor is able to give precise recommendations using the style attribute.

Similarly, if we refer to the trekking shoes example, you can label a particular shoe model with attributes such as gender preferences, color preferences, pricing brackets, seasonal relevance, situational customizations, etc. Using your expertise and product knowledge you would consider the materials used to construct a particular kind of trekking shoe and use that piece of product data to map its suitability for a particular season or condition. Hence, while using a Product Guide, if a user selects the answer options: ‘I need shoes for rainy weather and extreme conditions,’ the guide would recommend the best-suited pair basis these assigned attributes.

This data training process utilizes artificial intelligence and machine learning, so you only need to label a few products and the rest are taken care of by the AI-functionality. This means that your product expert doesn’t have to waste time by manually assigning different attributes to each product in a catalog of thousands. This not only saves time but also improves the overall quality of the product recommendations.

"Through the process of Guided Selling, you are personalizing the user experience and navigating a customer through their purchase journey."

Advantages of using AI data training

With AI data training you make product data more insightful and useful because you utilize your personal knowledge with it. You are able to create virtual attributes that lend a far better understanding of the kind of needs a product can fulfill. By using this feature, you can define the finer differences between thousands of products which then shapes and refines the final product recommendation. The AI data trainer is an amazing feature that can be used to integrate an expert’s knowledge into the online experience.

Want to try the AI Data Trainer?

You can easily create a Product Guide or Advisor and use AI data training by signing up for our Workbench

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Ski Equipment Guide

Ski Equipment Guide

A ski equipment buying guide for beginners and pros

Build the go-to digital guide for ski equipment

Ski equipment encompasses not just the ski gear, but clothing and protective gear as well. Beginners don't always get concrete advice on what they need, hence they don't know where to begin. On the other hand, regular skiers are particular about what they’re looking for and want to quickly find their favourite products.

Building beginner, advanced and versatile ski equipment sets, curated for different types of terrain will save valuable time for your customers.

Register now to use this template

A Ski Equipment Guide advises multiple target groups

With omnichannel options on the rise, a Product Guide can target both beginner and professional skiers visiting your Ecommerce site. This means that you can segment multiple target groups and create different advisory processes within the same Product Guide.

You can also design the Ski Equipment Guide in line with your sales strategy and include price comparisons, renting or financing options.

A Ski Equipment Guide is a great fit for retail and Ecommerce

Cross-selling and up-selling

Our Guided Selling solutions come with many configurable functionalities. For ski equipment especially, cross-selling and up-selling features will increase shopping cart value thereby increasing revenues. You can recommend additional products to customers and can explain in detail, the advantages of buying a more expensive product.

As Product Guides offer the real reasons, they maintain full transparency and customers naturally feel more inclined to purchase a product of higher value.

  • We saw significantly higher growth rates for all products integrated in the advisor compared to the overall product range. The excentos staff were always there to support us for any questions and helped us to get the most out of the platform.

    - Ortlieb

  • Customers who use the excentos Gift Finder are 3 times more likely to make a buying decision than those who do not.

    - myToys

  • Digital consulting with excentos is now an essential part of our marketing, and we are very satisfied with the results.

    - Vaude

Start building your own Ski Equipment Guide

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Create a Guided Selling solution for your website

With the excentos Workbench, you can build your very own Product Advisor in a matter of minutes.

product finder mockup

Tent advisor

Tent Advisor

Help customers find a tent for every kind of trip

The perfect tent recommendation for every kind of trip

Camping trips themselves differ based on climate, season and region, but there are also other factors a customer must take into account. With the online Tent Advisor solution, you are able to recommend tents according for very specific needs. E.g. the kind of material used or the number of people going for the trip, etc.

With the Tent Advisor solution, you are able to provide a digital buying guide that covers every kind of camping trip in detail and the exact equipment required for it.

Register now to use this template

Reduce returns by selling the right kind of equipment every time

The Tent Advisor solution advices the customer in a systematic manner and covers all essential needs. It also considers needs that the customer may not have thought of, and hence is a useful digital tool for both beginners and experienced campers.

As all the relevant information is provided by the Tent Advisor, your return rate reduces as customers receive plenty of transparency and are satisfied with their purchase.

Create more Ecommerce traction with upselling & cross-selling

Cross-selling and up-selling

Our Tent Advisor solution also includes upselling and cross-selling capabilities, allowing you to extend recommendations and provide a complete list of products for a camping trip. These complimentary products are essential, hence customers find it useful as they find everything they need in one place.

Integrating upselling and cross-selling mechanisms increases the shopping cart value for each customer and in the long run yields higher revenues from your Ecommerce.

  • We saw significantly higher growth rates for all products integrated in the advisor compared to the overall product range. The excentos staff were always there to support us for any questions and helped us to get the most out of the platform.

    - Ortlieb

  • Customers who use the excentos Gift Finder are 3 times more likely to make a buying decision than those who do not.

    - myToys

  • Digital consulting with excentos is now an essential part of our marketing, and we are very satisfied with the results.

    - Vaude

Start building your own Tent Advisor

Register now to use this template

Create a Guided Selling solution for your website

With the excentos Workbench, you can build your very own Product Advisor in a matter of minutes.

product finder mockup

Top 5 practices for product pages


Top 5 best practices for product pages

Many Ecommerce sites fail to convert customers as a result of poorly managed product pages. It is possible to get product pages wrong even if you think you’ve done a good job. Product pages need to have essential product information as well as functions and services that customers might need. It is a difficult task to understand what elements would potentially convince a user to purchase a product. Fortunately, there are many good examples and strategies that can be used to create an efficient product page.


An example of poor representation of products

Get your content type right

Depending on your product and proposition, shortlist the type of content that would be most suitable to explain your features. E.g. using video content to explain how-tos or specific product features. Brands like Nike, Adidas and Nordstrom often use videos to showcase clothing or shoes, while this doesn’t always add the value of explanation, it does highlight individual USPs of their products. On the other hand, you may also have a brand that requires written and visual content together. At the end of the day, less is always more so consider the length of the information you are providing and whether it is enough to address the queries of your customers.

nordstrom-demo-video Nordstorm's explanation videos

Choose optimum persuasion triggers

Website visitors are most convinced by factors such as user reviews and ratings. Nøie has great persuasion factors as it utilizes custom formulas as a USP and uses customer reviews as part of their marketing strategy. Skincare is a sensitive topic, hence reviews that show the exact experience by fellow customers and this is a valuable tool to create trust. Some brands also use negative reviews to their advantage as they highlight the service aspect of their brand and establish transparency with the customer. This can take the form of deals, discounts, refunds, etc.

Nøie-user-reviews Nøie's user reviews

Offer advice options for visitors

New visitors might find it difficult to differentiate between two products or whether a particular product matches their needs better. This leads to indecision and visitors will easily bounce from your website. Integrating recommender systems can help you to advise your customers at crucial stages of their purchase. Guided Selling solutions such as Product Guides, Configurators, and Advisors are helpful tools that recommend the perfect product for the customer. These systems are designed around individual needs and use-cases, and hence can be used for every product or service. Chatbots are also a form of Guided Selling as they advise and solve problems for customers.

excentos' coat finder

Cross-sell the right products

With the right advice and recommendations, you can also use cross-selling to give customers complementary products that go along with their purchases. For certain kinds of products, this not proves valuable to you but also saves a lot of time for customers. Many times customers don’t consider additional products that they might need. AI-driven Product Guides not only recommend the right products but can also be used to cross-sell complementary products.


Apple's cross-selling

Use relevant subscription plans

Customers always appreciate a bargain, and this is particularly true when it comes to subscription services. It is a great tactic to retain customers, but overall it also serves a higher purpose of providing them with a service they are satisfied with. Use customer-friendly language when describing subscription terms to keep deals and plans simple and easy to understand. Comparisons between plans can help the customer to decide which one is better suited for them.


Huel's subscription marketing

Product pages are a crucial step in the online buying journey and a priority for optimization. Product pages for brands differ from those used by retailers. Recommender systems such as Product Guides and Advisors can be integrated into various online channels. This provides uniformity and carries the same level of branding and experience. Product pages need to be concise in their abilities to solve customer needs, provide product advice, offer persuasive messaging, establish transparency and trust.

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Top 5 practices for product pages [Builder]

28 October, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Top 5 best practices for product pages

28 October, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Many Ecommerce sites fail to convert customers as a result of poorly managed product pages. It is possible to get product pages wrong even if you think you’ve done a good job. Product pages need to have essential product information as well as functions and services that customers might need. It is a difficult task to understand what elements would potentially convince a user to purchase a product. Fortunately, there are many good examples and strategies that can be used to create an efficient product page.

An example of poor representation of products

Get your content type right

Depending on your product and proposition, shortlist the type of content that would be most suitable to explain your features. E.g. using video content to explain how-tos or specific product features. Brands like Nike, Adidas and Nordstrom often use videos to showcase clothing or shoes, while this doesn’t always add the value of explanation, it does highlight individual USPs of their products. On the other hand, you may also have a brand that requires written and visual content together. At the end of the day, less is always more so consider the length of the information you are providing and whether it is enough to address the queries of your customers.

Choose optimum persuasion triggers

Website visitors are most convinced by factors such as user reviews and ratings. Nøie has great persuasion factors as it utilizes custom formulas as a USP and uses customer reviews as part of their marketing strategy. Skincare is a sensitive topic, hence reviews that show the exact experience by fellow customers and this is a valuable tool to create trust. Some brands also use negative reviews to their advantage as they highlight the service aspect of their brand and establish transparency with the customer. This can take the form of deals, discounts, refunds, etc.

Nøie's user reviews

"Brands also use negative reviews to their advantage as they highlight the service aspect of their brand and establish transparency with the customer."

Offer advice options for visitors

New visitors might find it difficult to differentiate between two products or whether a particular product matches their needs better. This leads to indecision and visitors will easily bounce from your website. Integrating recommender systems can help you to advise your customers at crucial stages of their purchase. Guided Selling solutions such as Product Guides, Configurators, and Advisors are helpful tools that recommend the perfect product for the customer. These systems are designed around individual needs and use-cases, and hence can be used for every product or service. Chatbots are also a form of Guided Selling as they advise and solve problems for customers.

Cross-sell the right products

With the right advice and recommendations, you can also use cross-selling to give customers complementary products that go along with their purchases. For certain kinds of products, this not proves valuable to you but also saves a lot of time for customers. Many times customers don’t consider additional products that they might need. AI-driven Product Guides not only recommend the right products but can also be used to cross-sell complementary products.

Apple's cross-selling

Use relevant subscription plans

Customers always appreciate a bargain, and this is particularly true when it comes to subscription services. It is a great tactic to retain customers, but overall it also serves a higher purpose of providing them with a service they are satisfied with. Use customer-friendly language when describing subscription terms to keep deals and plans simple and easy to understand. Comparisons between plans can help the customer to decide which one is better suited for them.

Huel's subscription marketing

"Recommender systems such as Product Guides and Advisors can be integrated into various online channels."
Product pages are a crucial step in the online buying journey and a priority for optimization. Product pages for brands differ from those used by retailers. Recommender systems such as Product Guides and Advisors can be integrated into various online channels. This provides uniformity and carries the same level of branding and experience. Product pages need to be concise in their abilities to solve customer needs, provide product advice, offer persuasive messaging, establish transparency and trust.

Sales funnel optimization

Find out how your company can implement Guided Selling and Product Guides

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Top user experience trends for Ecommerce 2021 [Builder]

15 March, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Top UX trends for Ecommerce 2021

15 March, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Top UX trends for Ecommerce 2021

Ecommerce worldwide sales are approaching the $5 trillion mark and a steady growth is expected as customers will maintain their newly-found digital behaviors for the foreseeable future. There’s a higher concentration of customer needs online than ever before. This digital shift has led brands and retailers to create more personalized experiences with regard to product presentation, design and content. There is also a surge of using artificial intelligence to better user experience. So let's take a dive into user experience by taking a look at these noteworthy trends.

Personalization and customization reign

Vans product configurator

Personalization and customization continue to be popular amongst Ecommerce websites. It is important to remember that there is a distinction between the two. When data and technology are utilized to craft an individual experience, it is called personalization.'s - personalization vs customization

While customization is when users are given an interface where they can choose a desired set of features. For example, websites show product recommendations based on customer data, preferences, history, user input, etc. While Product Configurators provide the customers with the power to choose their desired product features. Product Advisors on the other hand provide personalized recommendations based on the many different needs of your customers. Take a look at these examples from Brother and Vaude.

Minimalism in design and content

Master and Dynamic website

Ecommerce websites have a tendency to go overboard when it comes to product content and design. Minimalism has been a long-standing trend and continues to be so. Too much and it’s overbearing, while too little will leave the customer wanting more information. It is essential to hit the ‘just right’ spot for content and the subsequent design. Product Guides naturally contain this balance as they successfully integrate the relevant information with a minimalistic style. Take a look at these themes for example. At the same time, adopting this kind of minimal style is beneficial for your mobile presence. The Master and Dynamic website is also a good example, its design is minimal, but it provides a good balance of visuals and text.

Product visualization

RayBan virtual try ons

Websites rely on the power of visuals. But these can often be a hindrance, especially if they affect loading speed. It’s a bad first impression. While images and videos are important elements, their usage needs to be precise. So, reimagine how you can use your product galleries to solve for experience. For example, RayBan provides a virtual mirror for its customers to try on its eyewear, which is quick and responsive. But it also uses a static image to show the specific shade, thus providing an efficient preview from both sides of the lens.

"AI is quietly powering personalized experiences everywhere... Whether it’s implemented into a live chatbot or a product recommendation engine, it’s converting visitors to consumers and most importantly, retaining them.”

Representing product information

Leesa's product page

A great example of optimum feature representation is Leesa’s website. They have many interesting features integrated in the page, e.g. the cross-selling tab to purchase a base for the mattress, every available size and their special prices, a quick list of features and other freebies. They also provide a competitor comparison alongwith user reviews. Every answer can be found on the page and only relevant product data has been used.

An AI-driven approach is especially useful here, as it can translate raw product data into a customer-friendly format for product presentation. Guided Selling solutions like Product Advisors help to manage your inventory and product information, as specific aspects can be tracked and measured. Read this blog article to learn more.

Omnichannel functionalities

Nordstorm's omnichannel service

There is now a need to operate with an omnichannel functionality in mind as customer behavior and delivery mechanisms have changed. BOPIS (buy online, pick up in store), find in store, local store personalization, etc. are good examples of some omnichannel capabilities. But there has never been a better time to make deliveries and returns easier, as customers are exhibiting cautious buying behaviors. User experience must hence consider the customer journey before, during and after the purchase.

Optimized checkout processes

Decathlon's quick checkout

Use hierarchy and breadcrumbs to create an efficient check-out process. Websites also tend to create barriers such as long registration processes during checkout. Presenting such options after a purchase is always a better strategy, at thr same timethere are quicker registration processes available. Voluntary customer registration is far better in the long run as it’s easier to establish a transparent relationship. Decathlon has a clean and quick checkout process both instore and online.

AI solutions for UX

AI provides smarter content for users, and more importantly recommends precisely as it analyzes user desires and preferences. It removes barriers between customers and the vital information they are looking for. AI solutions learn and continually track important metrics related to customer interaction. These automated aspects improve user experience, without you having to put additional effort. They are hence extremely efficient and time-saving.

Success of Harley Davidson's 'Albert' campaign

To give an example, Harley-Davidson used an AI marketing solution to optimize their leads and find who their other audiences were. The AI started by analyzing existing customer data and created characteristics and behaviors based on high-value customers. By understanding specific events such as adding an item to an online cart, viewing website, completeing a purchase extra, they were able to create micro segments and crafted marketing messages across digital channels accordingly. In the end, they attributed 40% of sales to Albert (AI) and significantly increased website views and lead quality.

Reinventing the store format

Consumer attitudes have changed due to the pandemic and they will be seeking for more personalized experiences while shopping instore as well. “Coming out of this crisis, we're going to see even more distinction between the idea of going shopping as an experience and actually having to buy something… the shopping experience and buying have become disintermediated,” as shared by Pam Danziger — luxury retail expert and author, in this bloomreach podcast.

Glamlab by ulta beauty

Ulta Beauty — a beauty retailer, integrated a try-on experience called Glamlab in its app and website, and also deployed 80 in-store beauty advisors. This allowed them to bounce back from the pandemic disruption by providing a digital solution that worked for the needs of the customer at that time.

"Guided Selling solutions like Product Advisors help to manage your inventory and product information, as specific aspects can be tracked and measured."

Voice commerce is gaining even more popularity: 75% of U.S. households are estimated to have smart speakers by 2025. AR and VR are existing technologies that have successfully been used to reduce physical barriers. Consumer expectations will certainly evolve as we continue to develop viable technologies and reduce digital barriers.

Start building a personalized user experience with AI

With our online platform, the Workbench, you can create a Product Guide for your business in minutes.

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Was ist Guided Selling?

06 June, 2022
Melissa Hartmann
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Was ist Guided Selling?

06 June, 2022
Melissa Hartmann

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Immer mehr B2B und B2C Unternehmen setzen auf Guided Selling, um ihre Kunden auch online optimal zu beraten. Doch was genau bedeutet Guided Selling eigentlich und wie funktioniert es?

Guided Selling beschreibt einen interaktiven Prozess, bei dem Kunden durch den Produktauswahlprozess begleitet und zu einer Kaufentscheidung geführt werden.


Der Begriff wird im Ecommerce verwendet und bedeutet übersetzt „geführtes Verkaufen“.

Eigentlich wäre Guided Buying, also "geführter Einkauf", ein treffenderer Begriff. Schließlich werden Kunden, die online etwas kaufen möchten, durch ihren Einkauf geführt. Im deutschsprachigen Raum hat sich aber der Begriff Guided Selling durchgesetzt.

Darüber hinaus gibt es weitere Begriffe, die synonym zu Guided Selling verwendet werden, dazu zählen: digitale Kaufberatung, Online-Produktberatung und kuratiertes Einkaufen.

Mit dem Kamera-Berater finden Sie die perfekte Kamera.


Wie funktioniert Guided Selling?

Guided Selling basiert auf KI-basierten Assistenzsystemen, die als digitaler Produktberater, Produktfinder oder Produktselektor bezeichnet werden. Kunden, die auf Ihre Website gelangen, können mit dem Produktberater interagieren. Der digitale Produktberater präsentiert Fragen, um die Bedürfnisse des Kunden zu ermitteln und passende Produkte zu empfehlen. Doch was ist daran jetzt so besonders?

"Kunden werden mit Guided Selling schnell und sicher zum Kauf geführt."

Stellen Sie sich folgendes Beispiel vor:

Ein potenzieller Kunde plant einen mehrtägigen Wanderurlaub und benötigt ein Zelt. Es ist sein erster Camping-Ausflug und er hat noch keine Erfahrung im Zelten. In einem Outdoor-Fachgeschäft wird der Kunde von einem Verkäufer ausführlich beraten und bekommt einige Zelte gezeigt, die für den geplanten Ausflug optimal geeignet sind. Der Verkäufer empfiehlt für die Bergtour ein Zelt, das ein geringes Gewicht hat und auch rauen Wetterbedingungen mühelos standhält. Der Kunde braucht nicht lange zu suchen und kann sich sicher sein, dass das Zelt seinen Anforderungen entspricht.

Sucht der Kunde hingegen online nach einem Zelt, wird er in der Regel nicht beraten und ist während des Produktauswahlprozesses auf sich alleine gestellt. Er muss auf Basis der Produktmerkmale und Beschreibungstexte eine Kaufentscheidung treffen. Und genau hier kommt Guided Selling ins Spiel: Der digitale Produktberater berät online genauso professionell wie der Fachverkäufer im Geschäft. Dadurch findet der Kunde schnell das perfekte Zelt und bleibt vor einem Fehlkauf bewahrt.

"Der digitale Produktberater berät Ihre Kunden genauso professionell wie ein Verkäufer im Fachgeschäft."

Kundenbedürfnisse verstehen

Der digitale Produktberater stellt spezifische Fragen, um herauszufinden, wonach der Kunde sucht.

Beispielsweise fragt der Zelt-Berater von Vaude, wie viele Personen im Zelt schlafen, welche Wetterbedingungen in der Zielregion zu erwarten sind und auf welchem Untergrund das Zelt aufgebaut werden soll.

Der Kunde beantwortet die Fragen und erhält Produktempfehlungen, die ideal auf seine Bedürfnisse abgestimmt sind.

Zusätzlich bietet der Produktfinder Erklärungen zu den Produkten und Produktmerkmalen, damit der Kunde eine fundierte Kaufentscheidung treffen kann. Das ist wichtig, denn es gibt Produkte, die anspruchsvoll sind und einer Erklärung bedürfen.

Sie möchten erfahren, wie Guided Selling im Detail funktioniert? Dann schauen Sie sich doch mal unser Whitepaper: Guided Selling an.

Intelligente Begründungen

Eine Besonderheit des Produktfinders sind die intelligenten Begründungen (Intelligent Reasoning). Der Produktfinder zeigt nämlich nicht nur Produktempfehlungen an, sondern begründet individuell, in wie fern die vorgeschlagenen Produkte zu den Anforderungen des Kunden passen.
Der Kunde bekommt also überzeugende Kaufargumente präsentiert und kann eine sichere Kaufentscheidung treffen.

Intelligente Begründungen

Intelligente Begründungen helfen Ihren Kunden dabei, eine fundierte Kaufentscheidung zu treffen.

"Die Produktempfehlungen werden optimal auf die Bedürfnisse des Kunden angepasst."

Welche Vorteile bietet ein Produktfinder?

Conversions steigern und Retouren minimieren:
Der Produktberater führt Ihre Kunden schnell und sicher durch den Kaufprozess. Gleichzeitig lassen sich durch die gezielte Beratung Fehlkäufe vermeiden und die Anzahl an Retouren minimieren.

Kundenzufriedenheit erhöhen:
Mit einer professionellen Produktberatung sorgen Sie dafür, dass Ihre Kunden ein passendes Produkt finden und mit ihrem Einkaufserlebnis zufrieden sind.

Cross Selling für noch mehr Umsatz:
Darüber hinaus können Sie Cross Selling in Ihren Produktberater einbinden und dadurch für noch mehr Umsatz sorgen. Beispielsweise würde der digitale Produktberater passend zum Zelt auch einen robusten Schlafsack und weitere Camping-Ausrüstung anbieten.

Beratung 24/7:
Mit Guided Selling stellen Sie Ihren Kunden jederzeit eine digitale Beratung zur Verfügung. Selbst an Wochenenden und Feiertagen begleitet der Produktfinder Ihre Kunden bei der Produktauswahl.

Wertvolle Customer Insights:
Mit excentos Analytics gewinnen Sie wertvolle Insights über die Präferenzen und Anforderungen Ihrer Kunden. Sie können Trends beobachten, Ihre Zielgruppe genauer definieren und deren Bedürfnisse nachvollziehen.

"Mit Guided Selling sorgen Sie für zufriedene Kunden und steigern Ihre Conversions."
Guided Selling Beratungskonzept

Bauen Sie Ihren eigenen Produktberater mit
der excentos Workbench.

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What is Guided Selling?

06 June, 2022
Melissa Hartmann
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What is Guided Selling?

06 June, 2022
Melissa Hartmann
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More and more B2B and B2C companies are using Guided Selling to provide their customers with the best possible advice online. But what exactly does Guided Selling mean and how does it work?
Guided selling is an interactive process in which customers are guided through the product selection process and led to a purchase decision.


The term is used in Ecommerce to denote 'selling by guidance.'

Guided Buying would perhaps be a more appropriate term here as customers who want to buy something online are guided through their purchase. In German-speaking countries, however, the term 'Guided Selling' has become established.

In addition, there are other terms that are used synonymously with Guided Selling, these include: digital buying advice, online product advice and curated shopping.

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How does Guided Selling work?

Guided Selling is based on AI-based assistance systems called digital Product Advisor, Product Finder or Product Selector. Customers who arrive at your website interact with the Product Advisor. It presents questions to determine the customer's needs and recommends suitable products. But what makes it so special?

"Customers are guided to purchase quickly and confidently with Guided Selling."

Picture the following example:

A potential customer is planning a multi-day hiking holiday and needs a tent. It's his first camping trip and he has no camping experience. In an outdoor specialist shop, the customer is given detailed advice by a salesperson and is shown some tents that are ideally suited for the planned excursion. The salesperson recommends a tent for the mountain tour that is light in weight and can also withstand rough weather conditions with ease. The customer does not have to look far and can be sure that the tent meets their requirements.

If, on the other hand, the customer is looking for a tent online, he will usually not be advised and is on his own during the product selection process. He has to make a purchase decision based on the product features and descriptive texts.
And this is exactly where Guided Selling comes into play: the digital Product Advisor gives just as professional advice online as the specialist salesperson does in the shop. As a result, the customer quickly finds the perfect tent and avoids making a bad purchase.

"The digital Product Advisor advises your customers just as professionally as a salesperson in a specialist shop."

Guided Selling understands customer needs

The digital product advisor asks specific questions to find out what the customer is looking for.

For example, the vaude tent advisor asks, how many people will sleep in the tent, what weather conditions are to be expected in the region and on what kind of ground it should be set up on.

The customer answers the questions and receives product recommendations tailored to his needs.

In addition, the Product Finder offers explanations of the products and product features so that the customer can make a well-founded purchase decision. This is important for products that are complex and need explanation.

Would you like to find out how Guided Selling works in detail? Then take a look at our Whitepaper: Guided Selling.

Intelligent reasoning

A special feature of the Product Finder are the intelligent reasons (Intelligent Reasoning). The Product Finder not only shows product recommendations, but also provides individual reasons as to how far the suggested products match the customer's requirements.
The customer is presented with convincing purchase arguments to make a safe purchase decision.

Intelligent reasoning help your customers to make an informed purchase decision.

"The product recommendations are optimally adapted to the needs of the customer."

What advantages does a Product Finder offer?

Increase conversions and minimize returns:
A Product Finder guides your customers quickly and securely through the purchasing process. At the same time, through targeted advice, bad purchases can be avoided and the number of returns minimized.

Increase customer satisfaction:
With professional product advice, you ensure that your customers find a suitable product and are satisfied with their shopping experience.

Cross-selling for even more sales:
You can also integrate Cross-selling into your Product Finder to ensure even more sales. For example, offering a robust sleeping bag and other camping equipment to match the tent.

24x7 digital advice:
With Guided Selling, you can provide your customers with digital advice at any time. Even on weekends and public holidays, a Product Finder is there to help your customers in their product selection.

Valuable consumer insights:
With excentos Analytics you win valuable insights into the preferences and requirements of your customers. You can observe trends, define your target group more precisely and understand their needs.

"Ensure customer satisfaction with Guided Selling and increase your conversions."
Guided Selling Beratungskonzept

Build your own Product Finder with the excentos Workbench.

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What's the big deal about Direct to Consumer(D2C)? [Builder]

15 June, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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What's the big deal about Direct to Consumer (D2C)?

15 June, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Direct-to-consumer may be on the rise, but the story behind it remains well known — getting rid of the middle man. A consequence of the pandemic was in a sense, loss of control over supply chains and dealing with changing consumer behavior. In compensation, Ecommerce sales have picked up, yet there remains a sense of uncertainty for many businesses. With the current atmosphere being in somewhat of a flux, let’s examine why brands would choose to go with the D2C model.

Misrepresented product data leads to wrong purchases and higher return rates

Product data is often misrepresentated

Brands often face the issue of having no control over how product data and information is presented in a retail environment. This leads to bad customer experiences online and the brand image, both offline and online, also suffers. Customers are more likely to hold the brand in a bad light if they find something missing in their shopping experience, and they will always remember a negative experience more than a positive one. In fact, this PwC report states that 32% of customers say they will walk away from a brand they love after just one bad experience.

Missing customer data and consumer insights

Traditionally, a brand’s customer was predominately the retailer’s distribution and sales teams, where brands operated within a B2B model. In this setting, brands could not collect customer contacts and had no possibility to even engage in simple things like email marketing or user reviews and feedback. With no interaction, there was a deficit of insightful data on the customer. This marooned brands on a remote island, as they had no sense of communication or useful engagement with their customers.

The only feedback would be hearsay received from the retailer or expensive market research, which is not continual and often a one-time source of information. This has deeper implications, a brand can’t pre-test a product and cannot draw upon the type of product features and characteristics preferred by customers. A brand will end up manufacturing a product that will not be accepted well in the market. This will prove to be troublesome for a product planning to distribution cycle, while being a massive waste of time and resources. Thus, consumer insights are a a powerful and valuable asset.

Consumer insights and data should never be ignored

The other problem of not having any customer data, is that there isn’t enough in the brand pool to build any real sense of business intelligence, especially using AI. For example, Spotify and Amazon both are great examples of how the simplest form of customer preferences are used for targeting and personalization. But this is also possible because a certain volume of data has been reached. Ecommerce afterall, is all about personalized experiences. In their CX report, PwC says that 63% of U.S. consumers are willing to share more information with a company that offers a great experience.

"63% of U.S. consumers are willing to share more information with a company that offers a great experience."

Trends and insights about D2C

Influencer marketing is a big plus

Let’s take the example of the skincare brand Nøie. They use a skin cream configurator which is based on skin problems. Their marketing message is based on authenticity as they use images posted voluntarily by customers after using their products. Authenticity in product and experience is important for customers, especially with younger generations, as they have no problems sharing personal information with brands. What a company values is also a deciding factor, hence sustainability and a brand’s outlook on various issues also remains important.

The D2C market is estimated to grow at 19.2% in 2021. D2C brands greatly benefit by using a subscription-based model, along with digital, social media and influencer marketing strategies. Again, this is where customer contact and satisfaction play a big role. Depending on the brand, product and the audience, it is easier to pick a method of promotion and to measure the impact of your product and marketing online. E.g. there are brands that choose smaller influencers or micro influencers to try out and promote their products. The more authentic an introduction, the better the response is to it.

Challenges to adopt the D2C model

While the D2C world sounds good, it isn’t a perfect picture, as surviving without a retail route is difficult. In the retail environment, you will find multiple brands within a particular category of products. This is particularly true of Amazon e.g. There is a tendency to get lost in the crowd, hence, ratings and recommendations of a product are so crucial to stand out. For a brand to be visible and available on the internet too, the products and marketing really need to stand out.

But the internet can prove to be a crowded space, and with bigger brands entering the D2C space, smaller players could have trouble in the future. Another big issue lies in logistics and when you’re not relying on a retail partner, managing your own supply chain will be a big challenge. A brand has to fill in the gaps and this can be daunting and messy. Additionally, you’ll probably need some expertise to manage the backend better.

"There is a tendency to get lost in the crowd, hence, ratings and recommendations of a product are so crucial to stand out."

The advantages of D2C and why Guided Selling is a perfect fit for it

Brand websites when done right can retain more customers in the long run as they have recurring visits and purchases. With the D2C model, brands can rely more on Ecommerce and offer the same quality of advice online as they do in-store, as it builds upon personalization. D2C allows brands to successfully establish a product-to-distribution cycle to get all the benefits of data. On the one hand, they have more control over the product data being shown and on the other, they receive consumer data and valuable product insights. There’s also the fact that they can establish a connection with their customers and hold a one on one conversation with them.

Brands that don’t receive enough information for product development can greatly benefit from a Guided Selling solution like a Product Guide. Product Guides collect data at every stage of the advisor process by asking precise questions to customers regarding their needs and preferences. Unlike other analytical tools, there is no real need to interpret results as you get the complete picture, i.e. a real user persona. As there is no guess work involved, this method of obtaining insights is at par with what you can expect from market research methods.

Hence, asking the right questions gives you authentic data that is collected directly from customer input. This can also be used to personalize online shopping experiences. It is also multi-faceted in nature as it gives you an accurate picture of customer types and the ideal products that they expect.

excentos bike advisor recommendations

Product Guides also add more levels to your product data. In this way, the more insights you receive about your products, the more you can improve how your product data is represented. Tools, such as our AI-data trainer, allow you to represent product data in a smarter way by assigning attributes, characteristics and emotional aspects to product features. This method connects better with the customer, when trying to solve their problems. Guided Selling solutions come in many forms and solve for both, your product and your customers.

Multichannel optimization with Guided Selling solutions

Guided Selling solutions such as Product Guides and Product Advisors, allow you to maintain more control over your brand and your data. This means that you can build one digital advisor that can be integrated across every retailer channel you use, which includes both online and in-store. In this way, you can easily connect with your customer base and get faster insights without having to lose valuable retailpartners. Product Guides and Product Advisors are essentially extensions of the brand as they successfully reflect the personality, values and problem-solving aspects of a business. So whether you’re strictly going the D2C way and whether you have a more hybrid strategy, the Product Guide is always there to optimize your selling.

"Unlike other analytical tools, there is no real need to interpret results as you get the complete picture, i.e. a real user persona."

Whether you’re a small or big brand, D2C looks like a big leap to take, though many brands are adopting it. From the perspective of being a data-led change, there has definitely been an increase in D2C this year and there will be more to come. Brands looking to adopt must decide what they seek from switching over and whether it is truly a feasible option for them.

Header image: Business card photo created by ijeab -

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Why a gift finder should top your Valentine’s day list [Builder]

30 January, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Why a gift finder should top your Valentine’s day list

30 January, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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It is often said that it’s the thought that counts and not the gift. But in reality, we all know that thoughtfulness is often measured by the kind of gifts one gives. With each new year a person celebrates holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, new and old traditions, and many more occasions. If we consider the sheer volume of purchases and returns, these seasons bring forth a lot of chaos for shoppers, brands and retailers alike. Online shopping sites struggle with finding new ways to promote themselves, while brands and retailers tend to invest heavily into advertising, promote festive products, and cut sharp deals to get a bigger slice of the holiday pie. Retailers in particular, make as much as  30% of their annual sales during the holiday seasons.

“Retailers in particular, rely on the holidays to make as much as 30% of their sales.”

As a result, shoppers have it pretty bad as well. !-- Episerver’s online shopping report--> Episerver’s online shopping report says, that around the holiday seasons, retailers are prone to use fear-based-tactics to provoke shopper worries such as, missing out on the best deal, product scarcity, timed deliveries, etc. These sales-driven strategies work well for shoppers who are aware of products and are looking to buy quickly, along-with a discount and free delivery. But, what about the shoppers who don’t know what to buy? Retailers and brands miss out on the most significant insight when it comes to gift shopping, i.e. the number one concern for most shoppers is not knowing what gift to buy. Herein lies the opportunity to give guided selling advice to online shoppers looking for the perfect product.

“The number one concern for most shoppers is not knowing what gift to buy.”

Online shopping has also given rise to last-minute shoppers, as they have come to expect fast and free deliveries. Let's look at a few mobile shopping trends, Adobe analytics revealed that 61% of all traffic for Cyber Monday in the U.S. came from mobile devices and 39% of all ecommerce sales were made on a smartphone.It has also become evident that big holiday sales provide promotional opportunities for smaller players, because smaller online retailers received a significant boost of 32%.

While Amazon remains a popular choice, shoppers will more than often navigate through a brand’s website to search for products and their features. As long as websites provide a good customer experience, shoppers will not be shy to buy from lesser known brands or retailers, no matter which country they come from. By integrating a gift finder, retailers and brands can not only provide an excellent customer experience, but also establish a relationship with their customers.

“61% of all traffic for Cyber Monday in the U.S. came from mobile devices and 39% of all ecommerce sales were made on a smartphone.”

Contrary to the general belief, Valentine’s day is no longer about hearts, candies and flowers; in fact, according to the National Retail Foundation, the percentage of American consumers planning to celebrate Valentine's day has gradually decreased over the last 10 years. However, the ones who want to celebrate it are willing to spend more money and were expected to project an expenditure of a little more than 20 billion in 2019. Millennials and Gen Zers are looking for new ways to celebrate and would like to treat themselves by buying an expensive product or indulging in a luxurious experience. This provides an excellent opportunity for brands and retailers to engage with them. The excentos gift finder used by Douglas is a good example of how gifting can be aimed at occasions such as Valentine’s day.

“However, the ones who want to celebrate Valentine's day, are willing to spend more money and were expected to project an expenditure of a little more than 20 billion in 2019.”

Douglas customizes its gift finder for Valentine's day:

Douglas gift finder

Douglas is one of Europe's largest beauty products retailer, with more than 35,000 products, which includes perfumes, cosmetics, care products and accessories. The gift finder provides an interface which is user-friendly and interactive. This saves shoppers the hassle of an exhaustive search for gift ideas and confusion-riddled browsing.

Douglas gift finder

The Douglas gift finder first establishes the relationship between the shopper and the gift-receiver. As they truly possess an expertise about customers’ needs and products, the questions and answers are conceptualized to target very specific relationships and connections.

Douglas gift finder

It then asks for a little more information about the gift-receiver’s personality to take into account personal taste and style. The shopper can select two or three answers to give a variety of options within selective parameters. This is a particularly useful feature for beauty, décor and fashion products. Hence, guided selling is an insight-driven solution that traverses across categories.

Douglas gift finder

Depending on the concept and its intent, gift finders can be easily adapted to target any season, holiday, occasion and event. For e.g. Douglas concentrates on well wishes and helps to celebrate important milestones and special occasions.

Douglas gift finder

In five steps, Douglas guides online shoppers through the decision-making process and towards shopping carts. The excentos gift finder uses recommender logic and a matching engine to generate accurate product recommendations. As these provide valid reasoning, it increases a shopper’s willingness to pay, which leads to more conversions and establishes transparency. This in turn provides a wholesome interactive experience for shoppers and increases customer satisfaction.

“Douglas is one of Europe's largest beauty products retailer, with more than 35,000 products”

myToys uses gift finders for other seasons and holidays:

myToys is a leading German retailer of children’s toys and accessories and is one of the largest online shops in Germany. Their extremely large product assortment made it difficult for shoppers to buy a gift, especially those unaware of children’s products and trends. The excentos guided selling tool solves this particular problem by allowing online shoppers to easily find the right products from such a big product assortment.

myToys Gift finder

Along with the gender, the tool first takes into consideration the relationship between the person buying the gift and the person receiving it. This creates a unique layer of personalization by moving beyond traditional filter categories.

“The tool first takes into consideration the relationship between the person buying the gift and the person receiving it.”

myToys Gift finder

myToys has to present an assortment of 150,000 products. In order to maintain specificity, ages are evenly spread to give the shopper the option to choose every age, thereby avoiding any irrelevant overlap.

myToys Gift finder

A shopper can then select the occasion or season providing a narrower filter for a gift that is perfect for it.

Douglas gift finder

The last step is to choose an interest or theme, for e.g. a shopper can choose superheroes, if they know that the child is a fan of Batman. On the other hand, even if the shopper does not possess such information, the gift finder will still present you with gift recommendations.

MyToys Gift finder recommendation

“The tool first takes into consideration the relationship between the person buying the gift and the person receiving it.”

Gift finders hence have several benefits for brands and retailers who wish to tackle the holiday seasons and any kind of a special occasion.

  • Helps with decision-making for the unsure shopper
  • Provides personalized recommendations based on customer insights
  • Saves the customer the anxiety of going through an exhaustive search process
  • Increases conversions during a highly competitive shopping period
  • Easily integrated across every device and touchpoint

At excentos, we are experts in guided selling solutions for ecommerce businesses.

Help them find the perfect gift.

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Why are web analytics essential for online businesses? [Builder]

2 March, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Why are web analytics essential for online businesses?

2 March, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Advantages of Website Analytics

Every website receives some form of user engagement, for e.g., a visitor clicking a link or a button or simply browsing a website or purchasing something online. Web analytics are used to measure, track and analyze such usage metrics to optimize and improve the performance of a website. They provide data that reports on how your business is performing versus its competition; insightful information about its key demographics; user behaviors and insights; the reach and impact of advertising campaigns; awareness of seasonal traffic behavior etc. to name a few. Analytics continually track such varied events and are hence capable of reporting on specific analyses across a vast range of data.

Regular analytics will give you insights, but excentos analytics offer customer insights for specific and defined aspects. Click the button to skip the introduction to web analytics and read directly about excentos analytics.

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1. Objectives and Goals Creation

Businesses differ on principles, objectives and plans, which are also translated to their respective websites. Websites themselves could have an objective other than just selling or even multiple different ones. Goals are used to define different parameters or steps to drive strategies based on set objectives. Analytics provide a way to set customized goals according to your website’s competencies. For e.g. A website can track how many responses they receive for their newsletter subscription or their query form. Such a goal-based approach is quite effective and methodical for optimization.

“Goals are used to define different parameters or steps to drive strategies based on set objectives.”

2. Website Visitors

Web analytics and tracking tools of course keep track of the number of visitors, as well as detailed information about the visits themselves. A user-centric overview is provided about the average time spent by visitors; how many pages were visited per user session; how many visitors are returning to the website and how often. These show the average navigation path taken by website visitors and indicates reasons a visitor might bounce. Other insightful information about demographics such as location, device, real-time reports are all essential to deliver good website functionality as well as to create a data-driven marketing strategy.

Web analytics show the number of visitors but also detailed information about the visits themselves.

3. User Acquisition

While improvements and changes are expected within a website, it is also crucial to know more about how traffic is driven to said website itself. Sources are where the users were browsing before they arrive at a particular website and medium is the method they chose to get there. For e.g. a user is browsing an external source website, sees an ad, clicks on it and navigates to a landing page of the linked website. This makes the first website the source and the cost-per-click ad a medium. This helps to know how much traffic is being generated from organic vs. paid channels and is a good indicator of how much time, effort and money should be spent on each. While search engine optimization provides organic visibility, it is also an important performance indicator as it shows the quality of a website quality and its trust ranking. When it comes to paid advertising, such insights directly impact strategies related to a websites' rate on investment.

Sources are where the users were browsing before they arrive at a particular website and medium is the method they chose to get there.

4. Behavioral Metrics

Pages on a website host different information and it is important to maintain good and relevant information to ensure quality and to keep the visitor engaged. Analytics track which pages on a website are more popular with visitors and which ones aren’t. As mentioned before, this helps maintain quality which retains visitors and is also used to measure content effectiveness. Behavior is also measured by actions taken on a website and it is valuable to see whether a site’s design is user-friendly. Analytics throw light on which pages cause the maximum bounces and contribute to a higher percentage of the bounce rate.

Behavior is also measured by actions taken on a website and it is valuable to see whether a site’s design is user-friendly.

5. Ecommerce Analytics

Ecommerce websites have a transactional or sales-focused functionality and analytical tools are configured to the core purpose of selling and revenue. Hence, tracking customer journeys can give better insights and substantially improve sales margins. More knowledge is always powerful as timely analyses and reporting enable continuous learning from customer behavior and purchases. There are also various tools that report on how a particular product or category is performing. Therefore, with customer and product-centric viewpoints, one can view an online business from different perspectives and can recognize patterns and work towards establishing a good customer relationship.

Ecommerce websites have a transactional or sales-focused functionality and analytical tools are configured to the core purpose of selling and revenue.

Advantages of excentos Analytics

A product guide leads a customer through a sales funnel that is based on insightful consumer behavior. It engages with them while asking relevant questions specific to their needs. Such an optimization tool is particularly useful for products which answer niche needs, product categories that are complicated and even large product assortments. It also targets navigation and functionality problems such as visitors browsing through countless product pages or manually setting filters to choose products. Although useful in certain circumstances, filters primarily have a functionality akin to settings. Hence, they provide a general output lacking valid reasoning and at times don't even provide results at all. A product guide on the other hand takes the consumer through a series of questions and answers, providing a valid reason at every step of the process and as a consequence, will always display a recommendation. It is also structured to reduce wasteful browsing, which stops visitors from bouncing of your website. For this reason it is an on-site optimization solution.

“A product guide leads a customer through a sales funnel that is based on insightful consumer behavior. It engages with them while asking relevant questions specific to their needs.”
One of the main characteristics of guided selling is optimization, and as we now know, optimization requires tracking and measurement. Our guided selling solutions too, use analytics and targeted metrics to track the behavior and actions of visitors who use them. This gives a picture of the user journey through a set funnel and provides valuable product data for a business. To provide an example of this, let’s consider a product guide that allows a customer to choose a bike and asks questions such as gender, age and height; how often you would use it; whether you have any specifications etc. As the customer is led through a step-by-step process, you receive all the answers they chose, giving you information such as which features are important, which feature works better for a certain target group or which kind of bike is popular with adults and which one is more popular with teenagers. For e.g., the insights below indicate that a majority of women who were interested in buying the bike were generally taller in height.

Schematic repersentation of excentos Analytics

“One of the main characteristics of guided selling is optimization”

1. Consumer Insights

This shows you that out of all the traffic that clicked-through, which category of a consumer was most interested in the bikes. Furthermore, you can narrow down on segments to find out particular choices. For e.g., you could find out the average height of adults who come from a specific country and if there is any correlation with a type of bike or some other related feature.

2. Individual Event Journeys

The image used to illustrate the example gives a schematic view of excentos analytics and shows individual events such as user journeys, bounces and exit points. You can track single journeys through the funnel or get a collective view of all. Data visulizations can be changed to sift through and draw appropriate conclusions.

3. Favorite Products

It shows you which products are performing better than others and their individual click-through rates. You can evaluate product items that are not working in a particular market or segment and plan your inventory accordingly.

4. Market Information

An easy overview allows you to know if your products are getting traction in other countries, as well as comparisons between number of visitors, revenue, clicks, popularity and other such parameters.

5. Improvement Suggestions

As it learns from customer data, excentos analytics provides helpful suggestions and steps you can use to potentially improve your business.

6. Customizable Metrics

Special metrics can be tracked and measured, if they are an integral part of the product guide and customer journey. To give an example, this can apply to products which have a customization feature, and hence can track which color, pattern, template, etc. is more popular with customers.

This also shows us that analytics and tracking don’t have contextual usage barriers. They can be used for general performance monitoring or can be customized to optimize and measure frequently visited parts of a website. Regular web analytics are essential to track, maintain and improve websites, but online businesses can benefit even more by integrating a unique tool such as a product guide. excentos analytics show you exactly how your products are doing with customers from across segments and provide you with even more customized options for optimization.

Improve your websites' sales performance.

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Why do customers abandon shopping carts? [Builder]

30 September, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Why do customers abandon shopping carts?

02 February, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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What is shopping cart abandonment?

There are times when customers add products or items to their online shopping carts but fail to complete the purchase. They bounce off the website for one reason or the other. This phenomenon is called shopping cart abandonment, as products are abandoned by the customer before purchasing them.
Shopping cart abandonment is a nightmare scenario for retailers and brands as the reasons for abandonment can be hard to understand, making it all the more essential to track and decipher. Ecommerce sites spend a lot of time and care to tackle this issue because once optimized it makes a difference not only to sales and revenues but also to site performance.

Top reasons why shopping carts are abandoned

Online browsing and search

Customers at times use online stores to browse through, get information and compare products. They might also wish to see if there are discounts or easier financing options online. This can hinder the sales process making it difficult to optimize for this type of particular user, as they have a wavering purchase intention.

Website performance issues

Lagging websites and errors like broken links can derail a user's experience and break their assurance for the intended purchase. There is nothing more annoying to a customer than a website that loads slowly or doesn’t load at all. This leads to an increase in abandonment rates and a poor performance to your search scores.

Unnecessary web page elements

It’s important to reduce unnecessary elements on essential pages. E.g. having unnecessary information, forceful signups, excessive upselling. Such elements take more time and can potentially get in the way of a quick and successful purchase. At the end of the day, excessive elements will do more harm than good.
Keep processes simple - Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Complicated selling process

If a website has too complicated a process from start to finish, the customer will lose interest and move on to another site. Many a time, customers find what they are looking for, add items to the cart, only to drop out because the latter process of purchase turns out to be more complicated. Having a smooth and functional payment process is something every customer expects. Furthermore, having multiple payment options leads to a quick resolution from the customer’s side in case they prefer one method over the others.

Lack of mobile-friendliness

Mobile is an indispensable channel and many websites tend to ignore the traffic that comes from mobile commerce. Oberlo says that mobile commerce sales are projected to reach $3.56 trillion in 2021. When it comes to younger consumers, mobiles are part of their DNA, as is shopping on social media networks.

" commerce sales are projected to reach $3.56 trillion in 2021"

Ways to reduce abandonment and recover

Optimize browsing to selling

The most important thing to remember is that online selling needs to be easy as well as functional. Your sales funnel needs to tick every point in the customer’s journey. In terms of optimizing this journey, Guided Selling software is highly beneficial for Ecommerce. Recommender systems such as Product Guides and Advisors, allow you to set up individual journeys instead of a centralized one. This ensures you don’t lose any customers in the early stages.
At the same time, you have the flexibility to set up an optimum product page, by also recommending the right cross-selling products. Product recommendations are AI-driven and based on the immediate needs of customers. As the Product Guide understands immediate customer needs, upselling naturally becomes more transparent as you provide valid reasons for it.

Payment and omnichannel options

Integrate popular options

The reliance on online shopping has now facilitated more touchpoints for the consumer. Omnichannel is now part and parcel of Ecommerce and your strategy must reflect this. Another major barrier that is ignored is a fast and efficient checkout process. Guest checkouts are an important option and while there should be various payment options available, it’s crucial to have the most frequently used ones. These preferences can also change according to region and market.

Retargeting ads

What is retargeting, really? - Unbounce

A popular method to recapture a lost customer is to use retargeting ads showcasing the products that were abandoned, ones that are similar, or recommended products based on purchase history. Ads can be personalized for lost customers with various retargeting softwares. These ads can also be configured to run on social media platforms. The probability that consumers will click on a product ad they’ve viewed before is much higer than that of introducing them to one from the start. This is becuase they are already a couple of steps down in the sales funnel, and retargeting is an efficient reminder. It's a solution that loops back to the attention and interest stages.

Email marketing

Use an efficient email marketing strategy

The good old-fashioned way to recover a lost lead or customer is still email marketing. Email marketing is a solid recall device to remind lost customers about carted products as well as provide them with offers and discounts. Guided Selling also gives you PDF and lead generation capabilities, giving the customer the option to revisit their recommendations. These mechanisms can also collect essential customer information without the need for complex forms or lengthy registration processes. This in turn is extremely beneficial for your sales teams.
Detail your strategy based on the specific problems encountered when customers are led through your sales funnel. Different strategies work well for different kinds of websites and brands. It might take some time to understand which one works best and why, but regular tracking of such campaigns is quintessential. There are so many tools that can help, but understanding the why and what remain the most crucial first steps.

"The reliance on online shopping has now facilitated more touchpoints for the consumer."

Sales funnel optimization

Find out how your company can implement Guided Selling and Product Guides

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Why Lead Generation is important [Builder]

7 November, 2019
Sophia LeLew and
Marko Kotur
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Why Inbound Lead Generation is Important

7 November, 2019
Sophia LeLew and Marko Kotur
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A term coined by software marketer's Hubspot in 2006, inbound marketing is defined as a technique for drawing in customers who are not quite ready to buy yet. Modern marketing methods, which you are already familiar with, such as blogs, webinars, and social media all count as forms of inbound marketing.

Inbound Marketing vs Outbound Marketing

More traditional companies tend to lean towards outbound marketing activities, such as cold-calling, direct mail, tradeshows, and press releases. Although these can be effective to some extent, they are not good for scalability and don't always bring in good-quality leads. Outbound marketing techniques tend to involve pushing your business onto people, who most likely aren't ready to buy yet. It takes a more aggressive and direct approach which never tends to work on colder leads and leaves you with a CRM system full of contacts who know nothing about what you are trying to sell, or don't quite understand the true benefits yet.

"Lead people to your business, do not push your business onto people"

It's all about trust

In order to convert people, they need to trust you. Inbound marketing allows you to give something to prospective buyers which is of value to them, something educational which proves you are experts in your field and don't just want to make a quick sale.

Cue regular social media updates, informative blog posts, ebooks, webinars, case studies, whitepapers, infographics. Sources of regular information which aren't filled with sales spiel but provide new knowledge and value, will set you apart from your competitors and prevent you from getting lost in the noise of meaningless advertising. Eventually leads will get that "aha!" moment where they realize your business is relevant to their needs and that's when the customer will come finding you, and not the other way round!

"In order to convert people, they need to trust you."

The cost-effective way to turn strangers into customers

By nurturing your leads through inbound marketing activities, you also increase the efficiency of your sales team. Cold-calling long lists of irrelevant contacts become a thing of the past and your sales team can finally focus on closing the deal on the people who've been through the marketing funnel and had their "aha!" moment.

Creating an effective funnel

Relevant and personalized information is the key to effective inbound marketing activities. Known as attention economics, there is only so much information a human can process and will choose to pay attention to. Therefore, it's important that what you provide stands out, but is also relevant to your different segments and target groups.

"Attention is a resource, a person only has so much of it" - Matthew Crawford on attention economics.

Your different consumer segments require different levels of information and of different depth and complexity. For example, you receive 100 site visitors from an ad campaign, which you ran. Only 5% of these automatically convert and make a purchase. The remaining 95% need 'warming up' before they get to the cart. Sending them inbound marketing material over a defined period of time will help to educate and subtly persuade the lead, as to why they need your product.

E-Commerce Funnel

Marketing Funnel

"Attention is a resource, a person only has so much of it" - Matthew Crawford on attention economics

Lead generation tools and emails

Offer additional services for your website visitors. This lead generation feature allows prospective buyers to easily receive recommended products by email. It includes all key product details, as well as a list of reasons for why certain products fit their needs. Customers can view or compare products they have browsed before and commit to buying at a later date. In addition to this, you can send reminder emails so that they are even more likely to return back to your site and hopefully make the purchase! "send reminder emails so that your customers are even more likely to return back to your site"

"send reminder emails so that your customers are even more likely to return back to your site"

Blog Posts

Blog posts are not only interesting to read but also allow you to improve your SEO rankings by providing useful information based around keywords. When someone is searching for something specific and arrives at your blog post to try to get an answer, it is a prime example of inbound lead generation, where customers come flooding in to you with genuine interest.

Case Studies

Industry specific case studies build trust and prove your reputability. For B2B, it is especially interesting for businesses when their competitors are buying your products or using your services. This makes them question the benefit of your business and assess whether they need it too. For B2C, customer reviews are of paramount, with 84% of people claiming that they trusted online reviews as much as their friends. These are just a few examples of inbound marketing techniques that provide value to prospective buyers. However, it really all does depend on your individual business, so make sure you always bear your target group in mind.

"Industry specific case studies build trust and prove your reputability."

And finally, don't forget your CTA!

CTA's (call-to-action) prevent you from losing your customers and make it easier for them to interact with you. Check out some example CTAs which you could use for different parts of the funnel.

At excentos, we specialize in lead generation tools and features for Ecommerce businesses.

"Industry specific case studies build trust and prove your reputability."

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