Create the ideal concept
to addresses each of your customers
The Concept
You know your customers the best. Use the collective knowledge of your foremost experts to develop a concept that really addresses your customer's needs. Define only questions that your customers can answer. With this questionflow you ensure that your customers find what they are looking for.
The User experience
Combining the concept with an excellent design ensures top usability and a unique shopping experience. You can choose one of the Workbench default themes: River, Sunrise and Earth or use a custom screendesign.

Who develops the concept?
You, your agency or excentos. We are flexible.
You can create the concept directly in the excentos Workbench's Concept Board. The Concept Board will allow you to create and adjust your concept continuously throughout the entire process.
Watch our tutorial about the Concept Board
Benefit from excentos expertise. We can support you during the concept creation process or we can entirely develop the concept for you. Either way you benefit from our experience in countless product categories and projects.
Your agency
Your agency provides the concept and we work closely with them and you to provide templates, expertise and support.
What about the screendesign?
excentos offers a great selection of themes that you simply can choose from. Take a look at the free default themes.
ThemesCan we also implement a custom screendesign?
Yes. You, your agency or excentos can develop a custom screendesign.
You or your agency
We provide you or your agency with a User interface Briefing. This briefing defines all basics about screendesign and interaction-design, and ensures that the design works smoothly with the concept.
We support you or your agency to ensure that design achieves exactly Look'n'Feel you aim at.
excentos can develop the screendesign for you. We make use of years of experience to develop a screendesign that fits perfectly to your product and your company.
We work in close collaboration with you during every step of the development process.